--Journal Entry #8 || December 2nd, 2016--

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Learning something new every day is a possibility for any open-minded person. My goal is to learn something undiscovered to me every single day whether it is minuscule or extravagant. What did I learn today? What did I learn yesterday? It's good to frequently reflect on questions like these. Yesterday I learned how rare it is to be kind and intellectual. I've surrounded myself with people that fall into either one of these categories.. We've all met those arrogant yet really intelligent individuals who make you feel completely inept across various subjects. Or the other individuals who couldn't be caught dead reading books on Cognitive and Computational Science but always seem to spread optimism like a pandemic disease. Rare gems that inhibit both aptitudes are like a breath of fresh air in a polluted wasteland. Despite what I have to say, be comfortable in your own skin and avoid trying to intentionally please those around you. Chances are.. They really don't give two shits in the first place. Today I learned the value of making connections and how easy it is to lose a friend. I now have a philosophy that shows how friends come and go as quick as a leaf in the wind. I personally need to be open to the idea of change. Holding onto a toxic friendship because of the stereotype that 'longer friendships are better' is the equivalence of putting a gun to your head, waiting for the trigger to be pulled. When your time with someone seems to be fading into oblivion.. Maybe it's best to let things go. Cherish the memories but stay in the moment. Falling in love with the past and treating it like the present is not how I'd like to live my life...

The moral of today's write comes as followed: Taking the time out of your day to deliberate on what is right and wrong, without the nagging opinion of outsiders, might save your life one day.

--Xx Aislynn 

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