1; Mulan

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"Hope I'm not late?" Lilly said as she bumped herself beside Ben and Doug, across Audrey on the round table of the library.

Taking a water bottle from Ben thankfully, she let Doug opened the bottle for her before taking a large gulp. "So, what did I miss?"

"Not much, actually," Ben said, smiling. "I waited for you before spilling the beans."

"Oh really? I'm flattered." Lilly said jokingly as she screwed the lid shut. "I always know you love me." She winked before exchanging a knowing look with Doug, eyeing a red-faced Audrey from the corner of her eye, trying to contain her laughs.

"Don't we all are?" Doug said, patting Lilly's head jokingly as she shot him a dirty look. "You are well-aware that I can slice you in half if you dare to pat me again, don't you?"

"Oh, I'm so scared," Doug put his hand up in the air in a mock surrender. "But spill the beans already, Ben, before Lilly slashed you in half."

"Oh, so funny." Lilly said, crossing her arms. "But he got a point there. I promised Lio to be his sparring partner in boxing in half an hour, so it better be quick."

"Aw, can't little Lio let me borrow his sister a little longer?" Ben said playfully as Lilly eyed him drily. "You do realize that little Lio probably had much more muscle than both you and Doug combined?"

Ben cleared his throat before rubbing his left knee almost unconsciously. "Okay. So I called you all here in behalf of my social experiment."

"I'm sorry, what?" Doug said, frowning. "Are you implying that you'll make us the subject of your experiment?"

"Geez, chill, Doug," Ben said, raising his hands in mock-surrender. "No, what I'm planning is to invite four kids from the Isle of Lost to enroll here."

A high-pitched, un-princess-like shriek came from Audrey. "You can't be serious, Bennyboo?"

"I am deadly serious." Ben said, and Lilly could see from the determined look on his eyes that Ben's not joking. "I have been thinking about it for a long time, and when Mum and Pops told me I had to do some big project before coronation, I jumped straight at the opportunity."

"That sounded.." Lilly chose her words carefully. "Interesting."

Ben beamed up. "I knew you would agree, Lils!"

"'Interesting' is not a word that I'll be using for this idea, Ben," Audrey whined. "'Dangerous' is more likely."

"Bullshit." Doug said. "It is their parents that are evil, and as we all know, we can't choose our parents."

Ben beamed even more as Lilly nodded in agreement to Doug's sentence. "I think that it is highly logical. But if you planned to do so, Ben, why don't you just made all the kids enroll here? Why only choose four?"

"Well," Ben said, rubbing his hair sheepishly. "That was my initial plan, but Pops went against it. That's why I called it a social experiment, if the four of them gets along well here, the other kids might be allowed to enroll here, too."

"You can't be serious!" Audrey shrieked again, and Lilly glared at her. "If I recalled correctly, Ben had already told us that he's deadly serious."

Doug coughed to hide his laugh.

"But the Isle of Lost is made for a purpose! It is made to keep filthy villains to stay out from us!" Audrey continued on, obviously ignoring Lilly's sarcasm.

"Babe, I've told you." Ben said, looked impatient. "The kids are there because of their parents, and like Doug said, we can't choose our parents."

"But they are kids of villains! Do you think they are raised to be fair and good?"

Ben sighed. Lilly opened her mouth. "Well, Audrey, you are the daughter of Queen Aurora, don't you think you should show a more kind, open-minded nature?"

Once again, Doug coughed to hide his laugh.

Audrey shot Lilly a venomous look. "Don't you try preaching me. You don't even have a royal blood."

"Whoa, there!" Doug shouted, almost in the same time as Ben bang his fist on the table and look at Audrey in a look of disagreement.

"Audrey, zip it." Ben hissed lowly at his girlfriend, looking ashamed of her. Doug gave her a dirty look as Lilly smiled an overly sweet smile at her.

"What's the different between having and not having royal blood? Does that made me smell different? No. Your parents are kings and queens by heritance, and my parents are kings and queens by skills. Either way, they are both kings and queens, so what's the difference?"

Audrey opened and closed her mouth for a second before shooting another set of venomous looks at Lilly.

"Audrey, I am not having this kind of attitude." Ben said sternly. "I have been friends with Lilly longer than I knew you, so you better behave or leave the table."

Audrey looked at Ben, surprised. She probably thought that Ben was going to defend her or something, and Ben also attacking her was probably not an option. She looked at Ben, then to Lilly, then to Doug, before her face grew redder and she stood up and stormed out the library, fuming.

Once she was gone, Ben turned towards Lilly. "I am so sorry, Lils. I have no idea what's gotten into her."

"Oh, you don't have to apologize for her, Ben," Lilly snapped. "It's not your fault. You didn't raise her to behave that way."

Doug sniggered as Ben gave a slight smile.

"So we're cool?"

"As cool as a cucumber. Now tell us more about your experiment."

Ben smiled slightly. "Well, that's all there is to know, except that I want you and Doug to be their guides. Doug can be the guide for the boys, while Lilly can be the guide for the girls."

"Sweet. But why don't we swap roles? I want to be the guide for the girls!"

Ben laughed and Lilly snickered at Doug's antics. "You can have both the girls and the boys, Doug. Does that made you happy?" Lilly said jokingly as Doug narrowed his eyes in feign scared.

"Oh, no! I never look good beside boys that have better bodies than me."

His sentence made Lilly giggled as Ben gave a slight smirk. "'Good body' rhymes with Lilly, don't you think so?" he wiggled his brows, and Lilly laughed again.

"Oh, just die, you stupid Doug."

"Hey! Stupid and Doug do not rhyme!"

"But dog and Doug does," Ben butts in, laughing as Doug throws his hand to the air in a mock surrender. "At what time do you need us?"

"At three o'clock, sharp." Ben replied, and both Lilly and Doug nodded before Lilly glanced at her watch and widened her eyes. "Oh, crap. I am twenty minutes late. Lionel is so going to kill me."

"I won't let him." Ben said, putting a hand on Lilly's shoulder. "And I am sure Doug won't let him, too."

Lilly rolled her eyes. "Well, as much as I am flattered, I gotta run. Seeya!"

Wickedly Good // Carlos DeVilleWhere stories live. Discover now