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        "You are getting more and more popular around here, I am sure," Lilly commented, nodding to the girls that had stared at them excitedly for the last thirty minutes.

Lionel scowled before aiming a punch at Lilly's shoulder, which the latter blocked with ease. "I am sure I am getting more recognition than the person who's twenty minutes late."

"Aw, you're not still sulking, aren't you? I've told you why I am late," Lilly asked, once again blocking Lionel's punch.

"You don't know how did it felt to have to stand alone and glanced at your watch while the girls ogled you up."

"Ew." Lilly cringed as she tried to punch Lionel's shoulder. "My deepest condolences go to you. And your countless fans."

Lionel raised his brow. "Speaking of that, how's thing going with Chad?"

"Chad Charming?" Lilly flinched and Lionel used this opportunity to hit his sister's stomach. "Oof. Not fair, Lio."

"Then how's thing going with Chad? He kept buggering me in Tourney practices, asking for me to talk to you about him."

Lilly missed a punch at Lionel's head. "I am not going back together with him. He's so dense, I didn't even know why I ever dated him in the first place."

"You're his girlfriend for five months. Took you long enough to realize how dense he was. It only took me three weeks to figure that out." Lionel said as he casually flung a jab at Lilly's mouth, which the latter failed to block.

"That's going to bruise, you stupid." Lilly grumbles. "And how should I know that? You were the one introducing us in the first place!"

"Yeah, but that's because he kept buggering me about you for like, three weeks before I finally gave up."

"Should I be flattered?"

"If I were you, I'd be horrified."

Lilly laughed, causing Lionel to also laughed, making the flock of girls on the other side of Training Centre whispered to each other excitedly.

"Moving from that dense-head," Lionel said, not even bothering to address Chad by his name, "Why did Ben asked you to guide the new kids? Did he forget about how you acted around strangers?"

"Between you and me, I think he's not that sure about his own idea," Lilly replied, avoided a punch from Lionel. "That's why he chose me, whom he knew can defend herself."

"That make sense," Lionel nodded as he blocked Lilly's punch. "Anything else happened?"

"Oh, you wouldn't believe what Audrey said," Lilly said, her face grew red as she recalled Audrey's words and tell Lionel all about it. By the time she finished talking, Lionel had grown red in the face and she punched Lilly harder, although his aiming became more inaccurate.

"That son-of-a—!"

"Queen?" Lilly suggested. "I think what pissed me more is the fact that she will be crowned queen someday. I am so sick of people judging us because of our parents."

Lionel nodded. "Yeah. And the worst part of it is that nobody seemed to care about us, just as long as our parents are powerful."

"You are so deep, Lionel." Lilly said teasingly as she winked at her brother, who grew red from embarrassment.

He mumbled something and Lilly laughed, punching his cheek. "Oh, you are so cute."

Lionel looked like he was going to reply, but his eyes widened as he looked behind Lilly. "What? What is wrong?" she asked, concerned as Lionel suddenly stopped flinging punches at her.

"Chad!" he whispered, and Lilly turned around only to catch a glimpse of Chad Charming, making his way towards them, before turned to Lionel again, panicked. "Quick, hide me."

"How?" Lionel hissed back. "He'd already seen you."

"I don't know, can you please hold my gloves while I bolted through the door?"

Lionel stared at her sister like she had grown another pair of heads. "That's so un-ladylike."

"If Mama had been a proper lady, she wouldn't have met Papa."

"Make sense." Lionel shrugged. "Good luck."

And with that, Lilly Li bolted through the door, obviously ignoring the voice of Chad Charming, who shouted her name. The only thing she wanted right now is to flee from the Training Centre.


Heya! Sooo this chapter is kind of a filler. Don't worry, the VKs will appear on the next chapter. Please vote and comment xo

(I suck at writing author's note fml)

Wickedly Good // Carlos DeVilleWhere stories live. Discover now