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Instead of being in the Remedial Goodness 101 class later that evening, Lilly found herself shooting bows and arrows in the Training Centre.

Jane had tried to make her go to the class, but Lilly adamantly refuses because she insisted she had done nothing wrong, nothing that would resolve her on being on the class.
So Jane, with teary eyes, left her alone with her bows and arrows.

Lilly had been shooting at the targets for quite a long time, and she quickly became bored and instantly missed her brother slash sparring partner, Lionel.

Sure, Lonnie used to be her sparring partner, but she had lost her interests in martial arts and began to develop interests in boys and make-ups.

She sighed as once again she hit the perfect spot on the target, feeling quite bored. She almost shrieked when she turned around and saw the white-hair of Carlos.

He, apparently had been watching her for quite a long time because he clapped his hands. “Not bad. Fifteen perfects in a row.”

Lilly stared at her, agape, before opened her mouth. “Aren’t you supposed to be at Remedial Goodness now? Jay told me they made all of you go.”

Carlos shrugged before a mischievous smile appeared on his lips. “Well, we should, but the Headmistress was so pissed off because of you not attending, and she told us that the class ended early today.”

Lilly pursed her lips. “Next time you meet her, tell her that I’d done nothing wrong.”

Carlos raised his brows. “Really? So what had I done wrong?”

Lilly looked at him hesitantly. “No offense, but I think they thought that coming from Isle of the Lost itself is already a wrong-doing.”

“None taken.” Carlos said cheerfully as he eyed the bow in Lilly’s hand.

"So, who taught you how to use bow and arrows? You are like, really great.”

Lilly, relieved that they had move to the topic she liked, opened her mouth. “You know Merida? From DunBroch?”

“The bear girl?”

Lilly nodded. “When she was seven and I was five, Papa went on a journey with her father. Naturally we became friends, too, and she taught me how to use bows in return to me taught her how to use swords.”

“Swords?”  Carlos raised his brows. “How weird.”

Lilly shrugged. “Well, you can say that my family is a maniac in self-defense.” She rolled her eyes as Carlos chuckled. “That explains your bruises, then,” he said as Lilly raised her brows.

“You know, yesterday you told us that long story short, your brother beat you up in a boxing match.”

Lilly chuckled as she rubbed her cheeks. “You should try boxing with Lionel someday.” She smiled.

“Speaking of Lionel, you’ll meet him on the Tourney Field today.”

Carlos looked surprised. “And why would I?”

“Coach Jenkins made all new kids try out for Tourney. I told you that yesterday, don’t you remember?” Lilly chuckled. “That’s why you’ll meet him on the field. He’s a Defender.”

“I don’t even know what a Tourney is, why the heck should I try out for it?!”

“It is a really simple game, actually.”

“Oh yeah?” Carlos said in a challenging tone as he seated himself on the Training Centre’s floor. “Enlight me.”

Lilly shrugged. “Well, the main point is the game is being played by seven players; the two Forwards, Center Forward, Goalie, two Defenders, and a Dragoneer.”

“What’s a Dragoneer?” Carlos asked. “Is that even a word?”

“Of course it is, silly,” Lilly rolled her eyes. “The dragoneer is the player that mans the Dragon Cannon.”

“I would ask what is a dragon cannon, but I’m afraid you won’t answer me.”

“You seriously don’t know?” Lilly asked, staring at him incredulously.

Seeing the blank expression on Carlos’s face, she sighed before opened her mouth. “It is a gas-powered gun that fires high-speed but non-lethal projectiles called Dragon Fire at players. Clear enough?”

Seeing the hopeless look on Carlos’s face, she chuckled before patted his shoulders. “Good luck out there.”

“I’ll need more than mere good luck if I am to survive that crazy game,” He said, standing up. “How about a practice?”

“Sure.” Lilly smiled. “Let’s try with you as a Defender, should we? I’m not used to train any other position than Defender, since my brother plays it.”

“Lilly.” Carlos said seriously as he looked at her.


“I don’t care. I don’t even know what does that position mean. Let’s just practice, eh?”

Wickedly Good // Carlos DeVilleWhere stories live. Discover now