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Lilly had barely seated on her usual chair on the Science class when Ally and Aziz, her friends, appeared with a concerned look.

“Lils! How come?!”  Ally shrieked as she bumped herself on her seat in front of her, and Aziz also put on a concerned look as he slid himself on his usual seat beside Lilly.

Lilly looked at both of her friends, expecting them to bombard her with the questions about the drama with Lonnie, but Ally’s next sentence taken her aback.

“Fairy godmother said you are to attend the Remedial Goodness 101 class this evening.”

Lilly stared at her friend, agape, before she closed her mouth. “But I didn’t do anything wrong!”

“You know, Lionel told me about the whole drama with Lonnie yesterday. I think the drama might contribute to the Headmistress wanting you to attend Remeds,” Aziz said quietly.

“But how could that be? Shouldn’t it supposed to be Lonnie who got called to attend Remed Good 101? She’s prying on people’s lives, is that even appropriate?”

Ally shrugged. “You know, sometimes I am really confused with our educational system.”

That earned a scoff from Aziz and a disbelieving look from Lilly.

Confused, you say? Bewildered is more like it.”

“Speaking of bewilderment,” Aziz said. “How’s those ‘villainous’—” he made a quotation mark with his fingers, “—doing yesterday?”

“Ooh, yes, tell us all about them!” Ally said, her eyes glinting in curiosity as Lilly weighed her words carefully. “Well, they were.. nice. And civil.”

Ally’s face dropped. “That’s it?”
Lilly looked at her confusedly. “Yes, that’s it. What more do you expect?”

“I don’t know, maybe some fire-breathing or sword-swallowing kids?” Ally replied sarcastically as Aziz rolled his eyes. “They’re kids, Ally, not some kind of magical being.”

“Still,” Ally insisted. “You don’t give us much of the details. Who are their parents?”

“Why does that matters?”

“Just out of pure curiosity.” Ally shrugged Lilly’s question with ease as she eyed her friend with a curious look. “Come on!”

Lilly sighed. “I don’t know, I don’t go around and ask who their parents were. You know I’m not that kind of person.”

“Well, there are the son of Jafar, the son of Cruella de Vil, the daughter of Maleficent, and the daughter of the Evil Queen. Speaking of which, I am the son of Jafar.” A voice suddenly came, and Lilly, Ally, and Aziz snapped their heads to see the figure towering beside their table.

It was Jay, the long-haired boy. He had his backpack slung loosely on one shoulder, pulling off the ‘lazy-kid look’ perfectly.

Ally was the first to react. She nudges Aziz before shrieked. “How exciting! The son of Jafar! You heard that, Aziz? The son of your mother’s archenemy is here!”

Aziz looked up to Jay with a mixture of unreadable expressions. He finally looked away from Jay and to his table before shaking his head. “Why does that matters? The genie is my parents’ bestfriend, but I don’t really get along with Jordan.”

Lilly, deciding that she can’t take the awkward situation any longer, quickly jumps in the conversation. “Guys, this is Jay. Jay, this is Ally and Aziz.”

Jay nodded at her before staring at the empty seat beside Ally. “Do you mind if I..?” he trailed off as Ally shook her head vigorously. “No. No no no no.”

Lilly sighed as she glared at Ally. Mouthing ‘be nice!’ to her, she stood up, motioning Ally to take her previous seat beside Aziz while she bumped herself on Ally’s previous seat, motioning Jay to seat beside her.

Jay smiled at her thankfully as he put his backpack on his seat. Lilly, decides to be a welcoming figure, opened up her mouth. “Alone?”

She mentally cringed as she could feel herself blushed. This is what her father would call an impolite question.

Jay probably thought she was implying that he had no friends, which was not what Lilly had intended to ask.

Luckily, Jay just nodded. “Yep. Mal and Evie are in Grammar, and Carlos had Safety Rules for something.”

“Safety Rules for the Internet.” Lilly nodded solemnly. “It is a really boring class, might I say.”

Jay raised his brows. “Aren’t all classes boring like that?”

Lilly shook her head. “Not in Auradon Prep, no.”

They were silent for a moment as Lilly opened her phone and replied a few texts from her mother and friends. She only looked up because she could feel Jay’s eyes on her, and she put her phone away to meet his gaze.


Jay looked hesitant. “Er.. you told us to go to you if we have any questions, right?”

Lilly nodded, raising her brows. “What? You have one?”

“Er, yes, actually.” He looked like he’s weighing his words before opened his mouth carefully. “Is it a custom here to say your parents’ names after yours?”

Jay’s question took Lilly aback for a second before she was able to collect herself again. When she answered, her voice sounded strained. “You could say so, but in my opinion, those who do are either too prideful of their ancestry or are not confident enough in their own selves so they hide behind their parents’.”

Jay looked surprised for a second before he chuckled. “So I take that you are not proud of your parents? Isn’t it weird? Your parents must be great peoples if you can sit here.”

“No, it’s not like that,” Lilly shook her head. “I am proud of what they’d done, but it is all their achievements, not mine. I think it’s slightly cowardly to hide behind it and not searching for my own achievements. I don’t want to be known as Mulan and Shang’s daughter, I wanted to be known as Lilly. I wanted to be known for my own achievements.”

Jay chuckled again. “You are pretty deep, huh?”

“I’m flattered.”

“Can I ask you one more question?”

“Sure, go ahead.”

“What the heck is Remedial Goodness 101?”

Wickedly Good // Carlos DeVilleWhere stories live. Discover now