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"So," Ben said as they'd arrived at the Museum of Cultural History. "What do you want to borrow?"

"Oh, it is the necklace," Peter said, looking sheepish. "It's the necklace I gave to Wendy when I first met her. That one necklace that saved her life."

Lilly nodded in agreement. "How meaningful."

"Yeah," Peter replied as he knocked on the museum's office door. "She lost her husband in that cruise ship accident, and her daughter lived outside this country. I wanted to make her happy."

"Like Lilly said, 'how meaningful'." Artie said as the door of the office swung open, revealing a fat woman in guard attire. Her suspecting eyes soften as she sees who was behind the door. "Oh, Mr. Pan. Do come in. Tinker Bell had arrived earlier and is currently on the East Wing."

Peter nodded as he stepped in, followed by Artie, Ben, and Lilly. "Thank you, Miss Oldbody."

She beamed in return. "I couldn't think of any other sweeter thing to celebrate one's birthday, and of course the museum Director agreed with you," she said as she picked a device and scanned Peter's hand with it before nodding.

"You may come through. The glass box will only open if you touch it."

Peter smiled politely again. "Thank you, Miss Oldbody. Let's go."

"You know that you are really sweet, right, Peter?" Artie commented as they walked through the long hallway.

"On Merlin's birthday, I produced a bouquet made out of toads shaped as flowers. He wasn't particularly elated. Impressed, yes, but not elated."

Artie's words made Lilly scoffed. "Tell me about it. One time, I wanted to surprise Lionel on the morning of his birthday so I waited in his room with a bamboo stick," She flinched at the memory. "And then I shouted boo! And he immediately jolted up and tackled me before hitting me with the stick. He had amazing reflex."

Lilly's story that is accompanied with a defeated voice made Ben snorted. "And I'm sure you all know how I managed to burn the royal kitchen that one time I tried to make a birthday breakfast for Mum."

"So we all agreed, then," Artie said in a matter-of-fact tone. "The sweetest one among us is Peter."

"Oh, I wouldn't say that," Peter replied in a joking manner. "You remembered how Merida prepared that amazing birthday party for her mother? The decorations made from arrows made it hard to believe that she prepared it all by herself."

"Speaking about decorations, do you recall that one time Doug made a sketch of all his seven uncles and framed them on their birthday morning? That's sweet, too," Ben adds in.

Lilly laughed before raising her hands in mock surrender. "Let's just say that we are all sweet in our own weird way."

"Amen to that," Artie feigned a solemn look before cracking up. "So, where to?"

Peter looked at him. "Miss Oldbody said that Tink is in the East Wing, so let's go there."

The three kids nodded as they followed Peter, turning to the left corner before arriving in front of a creepy looking statue.

"I think this is not the right place," Artie said in a matter- of- fact tone as he eyed the contents of the room. Ben and Lilly nodded in agreement.

The room is filled with weapons, but not just weapons. It is filled with legendary, magical, weapons that are used by the villains in the story books.

In the center of the room stood four, intimidating looking statues. Maleficent, Evil Queen, Jafar, and Cruella de Vil.

Ben chuckled as he saw the statues. "Won't you believe me if I told you that what inspired me to invite the kids from the Isle are these statues?"

"Really?" Peter said, walking closer to one of the statues, the statue of the Evil Queen. Ben nodded as he, too, took a closer step towards the statues. "Yep. They are considered to be the most villainous villains, and it made me wonder that maybe, as bad as their kids are, they won't be as bad as their parents."

"Logical thinking," Artie commented as he let out a low whistle. "These statues are very finely made."

"Do you know that this is not a statue?" Peter said, looking at Archie with a mischievous glint on his eyes.

"This is real human. All of them are real. Beast froze them and put them here.."

That made Artie jumped back and both Ben and Lilly laughed. "Oh, you're so naughty, Peter."

"Tell me about it," Peter said, smiling in triumph. "You should see Artie's face—" he stopped talking when he noticed something glowing on the floor. Frowning, he took the glimmering object on his hands.

His eyes widened as he seen the motionless body of Tinkerbell.
All of them stared at the body of the fairy in shock, not even making a tiny sound.

The silence was being broken when the alarm suddenly went off.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2019 ⏰

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