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Lilly had just stepped out from the bathroom with a towel covering her head. After practicing Tourney with Lionel and Carlos, she felt tired and a nice, warm bath recovered her energy.

She had just finished dressing up in a simple jeans and sweater when her phone buzzed on the table.

Raising her brows, she picked up her phone to see the caller’s ID. Artie, the son of King Arthur’s name flashed on her screen and she narrowed her eyes before hurriedly accept the call.


She could hear him chuckle from the other end. “Good afternoon. Hope I don’t interrupt your beauty sleep?”
The mocking tone of his voice wasn’t one to miss, and Lilly rolled her eyes. “It’s still six PM, Arts.”

He chuckled again. “Of course I knew that. Guess where am I?”


She could practically felt Artie rolling his eyes. “Right, Sherlock. Try again. Guess where exactly am I?

Lilly bite her lips before whispered, "The city?”


“Really?! I should, no, must meet you. It had been almost three months after our last meet up!” Lilly wasn’t able to hide her excitement, and Artie laughed from the other side.

“And guess what?”


Peter said he’ll come, too. I texted him and he texted back, saying that he can meet me at the usual place because he needed to come here anyway.”

Lilly squealed excitedly. “Great! That’s even greater! I should grab Ben and Doug and phoned Merida. We had like, three hours before the school closes.”

You go grab Ben and Doug, but Merida couldn’t come.

“How come?” Lilly asked, disappointed. “It won’t be complete without her.”

I know, right?” Artie’s voice said, “But she told me that this is hunting season in DunBroch and she had to attend a festival or something.

“Oh well, duty calls.” Lilly retorted drily. “Okay, Arts, see ya. I’ll go grab Ben and Doug and we’ll meet you at the usual—Forevermore Café, yeah—bye!”

Lilly quickly hung up and throw her phone in her purse, along with her wallet. She then tossed her still damp hair in a messy pony-tail before stuffing it inside a pink beanie and dashed out towards the boy’s dorm.

And nearly colliding with Chad at the entrance to the boys’ dorm.

Chad looked surprised to see her, but even the sight of Chad couldn’t dampen Lilly’s mood. So, instead of scowling at him like she had opted to do for the last few weeks, she smiled brightly at him. “Good afternoon, Chad.”

Without waiting for a reply, she walked away and ascends the stairs towards Ben’s room, which the future king shared with Doug, and knocked.

Seconds later, Ben appeared on the doorway with a towel wrapped around his body, body still wet from shower.

Lilly’s lips parted slightly. “You may want to put something warmer, because I had great news!”

“Really?” Ben gave a slight smile as he opened the door wider, motioning her to go inside. Once she was inside, Ben closed the door behind her and began rummaging through his clothes. “Do you think I should wear a jacket?”

Wickedly Good // Carlos DeVilleWhere stories live. Discover now