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“Ew, why are you sweating?” Ally asked, crunching her small nose as Lilly slid herself beside her on the bleachers.

Lilly shrugged. “I was out in the Training Centre.”

“That would explain it,” She commented drily before reaching for a bottle of perfume from her bag.

“Ever heard this magical thing called perfume, Lils?”

“Are you implying that I stink?”

“I don’t imply, I stated it. You stink.”

“Ouch.” Lilly feigned hurt as she let her friend sprayed the perfume on her. Ally soon began chatting with her friends on her right as Lilly let her gaze travelled down to the field.

There is Ben, talking with Chad and Aziz. There is Lionel, seemingly instructing something to Akio and Tyrone. And there is Coach Jenkins, standing with his hands on his hips as he seemed to instruct Jay and Carlos, who’s standing beside him.

She was interrupted from her watching by a not-so-polite bump on her left, and she turned around to see the blue-haired girl, Evie, staring back at her. Mal seated beside her, and the two of them eyed Lilly as if she’s some kind of amoeba.

Mal opened her mouth. “Well, if it isn’t the drama-queen.”

Evie snorted, but she looked uncomfortable as Lilly gave Mal an overly-sweet smile. “Coming from you, that almost sound like praise.”

Mal rolled her eyes. “Don’t flatter yourself.”

“Oh, I won’t.” Lilly said as she glanced at the field. It appears that Coach Jenkins had already blew the whistle, as the players are all scattered around. She spotted Carlos as the Left Defender and immediately smiled to herself.

She turned her attention back at Mal. “My sister might get jealous. The title of the drama-queen is hers.”

Mal rolled her eyes, but didn’t reply as she watches the game unfold in front of her. Lilly, mirroring her, shifted her attentions towards the field. The game was just starting to get exciting when she feel Evie nudges her.

Lilly looked at her with raised brows. “Yes?”

“You think he’ll be okay?”

Lilly glanced at the field to see twelve boys wrestling with each other to get the ball. She turned towards Evie again with a raised brow. “Which he, might I ask?”

“Oh! Jay and Carlos, of course.” Evie said, looked embarrassed.

Lilly looked at the field again, to see the Center Forward Jay and the Left Defender Carlos, who seemed to be doing pretty well. Well, Carlos is a little too wobbly, but that’ll suffice for now.

She looked back at Evie again before smiling. “I think they’ll be okay. Especially Jay, she seemed to have a natural talent.”

“Really?” Evie asked, sounded surprised as Lilly nodded. She opened her mouth again. “Well, he has always been the most.. agile among the four of us.”

Lilly nodded, deciding not to ask what exactly Jay is agile at. “So you four had always been sticking together?”

Evie nodded. “For the past few years, yeah. Living on the Isle was really tough, but at least we have each other’s back.”

Lilly had just opened her mouth to reply when the hoots, cheers, shouts, and laughs erupted.

She immediately turned her attention back to the field, to see Dude, the school’s mutt sweetheart, running around the field, seemingly chasing a terrified-looking Carlos while several Tourney jocks stand in the middle of the field, either laughing or stare at the bizarre sight in front of them with astonishment.

Lilly couldn’t hold back her giggle as Ben dropped his sticks and began chasing Dude. It looked like a chasing party, and Aziz recorded all of that on his phone, as Akio and Miguel stood side by side in the middle of the field, raising their hands as if motioning for the crowd to cheer.

Even Coach Jenkins’s whistle-blow can’t stop Dude from chasing Carlos.

It was only when Chad let out a low whistle from his mouth did Dude suddenly stopped chasing Carlos. With his tail on his legs, Dude approached Chad, who seemed to be scolding him.

Lilly raised her brows. She had always underestimated Chad’s gifts with animals. Even when they were still dating, Lilly had always called him ‘bird-man’ with a mocking tone, which always resulted in Chad calling her ‘nut-girl’, considering her almond-colored eyes.

Maybe Chad wasn’t that bad.

Evie cleared her throat, and Lilly looked at her with a questioning look. Evie pointed a finger at Chad. “Who is he?”

“The dog?”

“No, obviously.” She rolled her eyes. “That boy, duh.”

Lilly let out a pale blush. “You mean Chad?”


“Yeah, Chad Charming. Right Forward. Why?”

Evie looked uncomfortable. “Er, no. Just admiring his skill with that dog.”

“You better not underestimate his skills with animals,” Lilly let out a soft laugh. “He’s familiar with all sorts of animals. Squirrels, cats, dogs, you name it, he probably can handle that.”

“Really?” Evie said, sound impressed as Lilly nodded. “And how would you know that?”

An unfamiliar look flickered across Lilly’s face for a second before she smiled. “Let’s just say that it is a common knowledge.”

Wickedly Good // Carlos DeVilleWhere stories live. Discover now