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Jay was just closing his locker when a hand tapped his shoulder.

Turning around, she saw a smiling face of Lilly in the hand of a boy he recognized as the Right Defender for the Tourney team. She gave him a big smile. “Nice game.”

Jay smirked. “Coming from you, that’s rich.”

“I’m flattered.” The girl rolled her eyes before smiled again. “Where’s Carlos? If you see him, tell him that I enjoyed his show yesterday.”

“Sure do.” Jay smirked again. Lilly nodded. “Well, see you around. Help me find Aziz, will you, Lionel?” with that words, she gave Jay another nod before turning away, talking animatedly at the boy beside her, who seemed to be excited as well.

Jay let out a soft hum as he stared at his locker door, not quite knowing why.

“Well, what was that?”

Jay turned around again, only to find Mal with that annoying all-know smirk on her face, Carlos and Evie on her sides.

Jay let his smile fades as he shrugged nonchalantly. “That guide-girl wanted me to tell Carlos that she enjoyed the show he put yesterday.”

This made Carlos face grew red as both Evie and Mal sniggered.

“But really,” Evie began, trotting the hallway as they all followed her, “You need to get over your fear of dogs, Carlos.”

“I know,” Carlos said, rolling his eyes. “But how, is the problem. You know I was raised to be afraid of those creatures.”

“Quite ironic, don’t you think so?” Mal commented drily as Carlos grew redder in the face. Jay chuckled. “Come on, Mal, don’t be so harsh.”

“I am merely stating the fact,” Mal rolled her eyes before stopping in front of a classroom. “This is our class. Let’s go, Evie. See ya, Carlos, Jay.”

With that, Mal turned on her heels, followed by Evie, leaving the two boys. They walked through the hallway, searching for their class, which would be History or something.

They were just rounding the corner when they saw Lilly and that Right Defender stood in front of a doorway, seemingly arguing about something.

Exchanging a curious look, both Carlos and Jay stepped closer so they could hear bits of their conversation.

“—There is no way I am going inside—”

“—But Aziz is sick! Aren’t you concerned?”

“The whole tourney team is in there! Do you know what that means?”

“Oh, if it is Chad you are worrying about, how about I gave him a nice punch in the fa—”

They stopped talking as soon as they realized Jay and Carlos’s presence. Smiling awkwardly, Lilly opened her mouth.

“Good morning. You two are just going to your class?” her gaze fell upon Carlos and she smiled a real smile. “You did good yesterday.”

Carlos grinned widely. “Ah, if it wasn’t for that mutt, I thought I’d do better.”

Lilly shook her head. “No, you played well for a first-timer.”

“Thanks!” Carlos seemed to beam at her comment, and Jay couldn’t help but wonder why she hadn’t praise him like how she praised Carlos. Maybe it was because of Carlos’s sweet nature?

“How about another practice?”

“Sure!” She smiled as she eyed the boy beside her. “Why don’t you come to the field at four in the evening? I am sure Lionel will be glad to help, too,” Lilly said excitedly as her gaze flickered to Jay, and as if remembering something, she hurriedly opened her mouth. “You can come too, Jay, but I am not used in training someone in position other than Defenders.”

Jay gave a slight smile. “No, no, it’s fine. I’ll watch.”

“Glad that’s settled.” A cold voice suddenly butts in, a cold voice that belonged to Lionel. He gripped Lilly’s hand tightly. “Now, if you’ll excuse us.”

With those words, Lionel half dragged, half pulled Lilly towards the room, closing the door behind them. Jay and Carlos could smell the faint waft of medicine.

“Well?” Jay asked as he raised his brows and began walking, Carlos beside him. They were silent for a moment before Carlos opened his mouth.

“So, what did you think about her?”

“Who?” Jay asked, feigning ignorance as Carlos rolled his eyes. “About Lilly Li, of course.”

“Well,” Jay began, weighing his words. “She seemed different.”

“She seemed really eager on helping us, don’t you think so?”

“Don’t be so shallow, it was probably because of that Prince Ben—” Jay rolled his eyes, “—order her to do so.”

Carlos shook his head vaguely. “I don’t know, Jay,” he said. “One can always pretend that much, but she seemed sincere.”


Whooo sorry for the late update, this story has been sitting ony computer for forever, but I barely have time to open my computer nowadays as I just finished my college entrance exams yesterday😅 wish me luck and luv uuu!!

Wickedly Good // Carlos DeVilleWhere stories live. Discover now