Chapter 10

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Ambers P.o.v

"Will you go on a date with me?" Thomas's voice rang though my head. Did Thomas just ask me out? No no he couldn't have, could he?

I stud there shocked at his question not knowing what to say. He stud there with hope in his eyes.

I'm so confused! Why would he want to go out with me? What should I say? So I did the only thing I could think of..

"What did you say?" I asked trying to make sure I heard him right. He looked at me for a second. "I asked if you would go on a date with me?" He asked once more.

Should I say no? I mean he did almost kill me last night and he is a total jerk!

'But a hot jerk'

My mind thought, Oh no no I don't think Thomas is hot I mean that would go against everything I stand for.

"Um sure" I replied before I could even stop myself. Oh no what have I done.

Thomas looked a bit shocked that I said yes, but that only lasted a second before he was smiling like a mad man. "Okay great I'll text you the details. Bye Amber" he said happily As he ran down the stairs.

I was left standing there in shock. What just happened?

'What just happened? Are you going on a date with the most popular boy at school and who happens to mega hot, who happens to be the jerk who threw you into water and yet who you asked to sleep in your room last night'

Sometimes I hated how my mind was so right.

I walked back into my room slowly and sat on my coach. I was just shocked at how I just said yes to him. I turned my head and was faced with a hollow kitty pillow.

First off what on earth made my mean aunt think I liked hollow kitty? I mean come on I'm 17! Don't get me wrong I have nothing against hollow kitty, she's cute in all but it's just not something I would ever put in my room.

Speeking of my room it needs a mega makeover. The whole room is pink and I'm more of a black, red and blue type person. I wouldn't say I'm bad ass but I'm not a girly girl. I like to think I'm in the middle, just right.

I stud up from the couch and walked over to my phone that was setting on a table. I scrolled through my contacts clicking Mayas number. She would have my head if she found out that I didn't call her to tell her about the date.

After 4 rings she finally picked up. "Hello" She said in a mean voice, yikes I think I woke her up from her beauty sleep. If she's anything like I remember when we were little than she hates it when people wake her up. "Hey Maya" I said in a calm tone, hopefully she doesn't get too mad at me. "What the hell Amber! What kind of a person calls me at 11:30 in the morning! I was having a dream about Harry Stiles!!" She yells in my ear. I had to move the phone away from my ear or else I would have busted my ear drum.

I chuckled at her comment about having a dream about Harry Stiles. Maya has a huge crush on Harry and she loves One direction, honestly I'm not really into them there to girly for me. "Sorry I guess I'll call latter to tell you about my date with Thomas..." I said in a teasing tone. "WHAT!! NOOO" She yelled, oww my ear, that hurt.

"Oh so know you want to talk" I said again in a teasing tone. "Well yeah! Tell me everything. Are you really going on a date? Where are you going? When? How did he ask you? When?" She started blurring out questions. I laughed at how she was acting. "Calm down with the questions" I sais still laughing at my beat friend.

"Okay sorry, I'm just so excited for you and supper confused. Just tell me everything" She said eagerly. "Well it all started when we woke up in my bed.." I begin to say but she cuts me off. "What! You know what I'm coming over be there In 10" She says and hangs up.

I look down at my phone did she really just hang up with me? Whatever it might be better to explain to her If she's here. I set my phone down at walk up my stairs to where my bed is. I lay down on my king size bed and turn to the side to see a picture I put on my nightstand. It was a picture of me, my dad and my dog buddy. We were at the park playing soccer, I was on the soccer team and was practicing with my dad, we did it every weekend. Buddy loved it too he would chase after the ball and try and fit to into his small mouth. I laughed at the memory, I miss buddy. He died of old age when I was 14, it was such a sad day I remember crying my eyes out, but my dad helped me though it, He was the best dad.

I wish he was here with me, I miss him so much. I miss buddy too he was my beat friend growing up, besides Maya. I sat up when an idea popped in my head, I'm going to adopt a dog! I'v wanted one ever since buddy died I just was never ready. Maybe a new dog might help me with moving.

I ran down the stairs and out of my room to find my aunt and ask if she would be alright with it, it is her house after all. I found her in the kitchen making some bricktfist. "Aunt Jess?" I asked nerves about what she'll say. She turned around to look at me and then turned back to the cooking food on the stove. "Yes Amber?" She asked in a calm tone. "I was wounding if I could get a dog, I think it will help with the moving. I'll pay for everything and take good care of it" I asked hopefully. She turned around to me and studded my face. I couldn't tell what she was thinking. I just hope it's good.

After what felt like a life time she responded. "That's fine, I'll give you 800$ to spend on the dog and supplies. You can also get 2 dog's if you want. I like dogs" She replies with a smile. This is the first time she's smiled at me!

I started to jump around in the air happly and ran over to her and gave her a huge hug. "Thank you so much aunt Jess! Your the best!" I yelled happily. She looked stunned at me hugging her but after a second smiled back. "Your wellcome, I'll give you the money after I make breakfast so you can go get the dogs today. Your welcome to join me for breakfast" she said smiling. I think she's starting to like me. "Thanks I would love to join you and okay yay thank you so much!" I say happily.

Suddenly the bell rings and I remember Maya was on her way to talk about my date with Thomas, I totally forgot about it. "I'll get it" I say smiling at my aunt and going to answer the door.

I open it to a eager Maya. "Okay tell me everything!"

Hey reader's!!! So sorry for not updating sooner I was just busy with mid terms and Christmas. Also MERRY CHRIATMAS everyone, I know it's 2 days late but I hope you all had a great day and got everything you wanted!!

Also now that it's Christmastime brake I will have more time to wright and publish more chapters: )

So Please vote and comment what you think of the book so far and what you think will happen next. Also Please comment what types of dogs she should adopt: )


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