Chapter 15

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Ambers P.o.v

I opened my eyes to a very bright room. I must have forgotten to close the curtains last night. Maya wasn't in the room so I'm guessing she's in the kitchen eating. I swear that girl can eat anything at anytime.

I stood up and shuffled out of my room slowly going down the stairs. I'm so tired I wouldn't be surprised if I fell down. Committing a crime really takes a lot out of a person.

Thinking back to what we did last night to Thomas's car makes me smile. Even though it was a little extreme it was so much fun and it felt good to do crazy things with my best friend again.

As I entered the kitchen I saw Maya cooking what looks like a feast. "I didn't know we were making thanksgiving dinner" I said joking. Christmas was still a few months away. I wasn't looking forward to it though.

I love Christmas, it's my favorite holliday but not having my dad here will be hard. I doubt I'll be very pleasant to be around.

Maya turned to me with wide eyes. "Holy mother of god! You almost scared me to death, don't you know to never sneak up on a person cooking with sharp objects? I could have like stabbed myself or something." She was so over dramatic.

"Maya your not even holding anything and since when could you cook?" Last time I saw her she couldn't even boil water. I know it's very sad but its true. She has to be one of the worst cooks.

Maya rolled her eyes at me comment. "I don't give a flying squeal is you don't think I can cook, I am an expert and I'll have you know that my family loves my cooking." She said going to back to what ever she was burning. I highly dought her family likes her cooking cause I've meet her them and there more then a little harsh. Probley one of the most meanest people i know. Whenever I was over they were always fighting like crazy.

That's why we would always hang our at my house because her family is crazy. For some reason they never liked me, I don't know why though I always used manners and was nice. Maya used to tell me that it was just how they are. As sad at it was knowing your best friends family didn't like me it didn't stop me from being best friends with her.

Flashback (4 years ago) **

The bell rung signalling that school was over. Thank god! I hate school and everyone in it. Me and Maya stood up quickly and practically ran out the door. As we ran down the hallway to our locker we begin to laugh. We always did this because if we didn't it would take us almost 10 minutes to get out of school.

We stopped at our locker and put our geometry books away. No way am I'm walking with that heavy sack of uselessness. "I don't even understand why we hace to take geometry. Its so stupid" Maya said in a winny voice.

I shook my head agreeing "I know right." I slammed my locker shut and walked to the exit of the school. Lucky for me and Maya my locker is right next to the entrance so we don't have to fight to leave.

As we walked to her house we talked about our day and Mayas crush Jack. He was a total player but Maya wouldn't listen. We finally reached her house and the moment we opened the door I was met with loud screams, her parents must be fighting in the kitchen again.

I've only been to Mayas house a few times but in that short time I've learned that her parents are not the greatest. "Come on we can go hang out in my room" Maya said and started to walk up her stairs as if it was a normal day at her house. It's a little sad that she has parents that fight so much.

Maya also had a older bother but it sounds like he's not home. He always has his music blasting, and its not even good music. He's one year older then us but he's a total flake. He's on the football team but he is a player and has had more girlfriends that I could count. That's another reason why we mostly hangout at my house is because it's supper wired being in the house when he has girls over. He is also tarabule at school, from what I've heard from Maya he has like straight F's. The only reason he's not kicked off the team is because the couch is a old family friend and loves Peter.

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