Chapter 13

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Ambers P.o.v

I was currently pulling up to my house and Maya was talking non stop about makeup and some other thing. I wasn't paying much attention because u was to busy being occupied with my thoughts o Thomas. I'm just not sure what to make of this date thing. I don't know what made him ask me, maybe it was a dare or he is just trying to play with another girls emotions. What ever he was up to I wasn't going to fall or it.

Was we were pulling up to my house Maya turned to me, "Amber did you here anything I just said?" I hate how she knows me so well. I tried to play it cool so she would suspect anything. "Oh course you were just talking about makeup" I said unbuckling my seat built. Maya sighed "I stopped talking about makeup five minutes ago, I've been talking about how I hate my second period." Well I'm busted.

"I'm sorry Maya its just I cant stop thinking about Thomas, its just I don't get why hes acting the way he is. He is a player I know that so I just cant figure what his motive is, I know he cant be anything good." Maya got out of the car and I followed grabbing my bags of clothes, shoes and all of Bunny's and Carpers things. As Maya grabbed her bags and closed the doors she walked up to me with a frown.

"Has it occurred to you that maybe he actually likes you. Yes its true hes a player and a compete jerk, I agree with you there but what if he really likes you and he just doesn't know how to express his feelings?" There was a moment of silence tell I broke into a loud laugh, Maya laughed along with me. Wow who knew Maya was so funny, maybe she was being serous but I know for a fact that something is not right with him and I've only been in this town for a couple days.

Me and Maya walked in with the bags and the puppies on there leashes. They were so excited to be somewhere new. I couldn't be happier in this moment. Oh course all good things must come to an end as I know all to well. "Where the hell have you been?!" My aunt yelled as she walked into the room. Wait now I'm confused, just this morning she was being sweet and nice and now I guess shes back to her real personality. "I was at the mall, I told you this morning I was going to adopt 2 dogs." I said confused at her tone, what made her mean again? My aunt rolled her eyes in annoyance "what ever but next time don't take so long, there are dishes in the sink that need to be washed and theirs laundry that needs to be folded. I'm going out and I expect it to be done by the time I get home." and with that she walked out the door.

Maya turned to my with a shocked face, her jaw hanging not believing how my aunt just talked to me. "That was your Aunt? Shes so mean, you just moved here and shes already giving you chores!" She said looking at the door stunned. I also was surprised at the way I was just treated, I thought that we made it past the I hate you stag. I guess I was wrong, maybe she was just in a good mode this morning. She didn't even say hi to the puppies, specking of the puppies I looked down to see them laying on the floor. They must be tired after there long day of shopping and getting there forever home.

"come on Maya lets go put these bags in my room and let the puppies go to sleep, than we can come back down and ill cook some dinner I'm starving." I said staring to move up the stairs as Maya followed. We walked into my room and set the bags down, I grabbed the puppies beds and placed them down on the caret and put some food in a bowl in case they get hungry. They quickly laid down in there beds and slowly closed there eyes. After we made sure they had everything they needed and we walked back down stairs.

Maya sat down on one of the stools next to the island counter and took out her phone. "Hey did you ever text Thomas back?" I spun around, oh no I totally forgot! How could I forget to text back the boy I'm going on a date with? Seeing my reaction Mayas eyes widened. "You didn't forget right? Amber tell me you didn't forget to text back the cutest boy in our school!" Maya was now standing up looking around frantically for my phone. I just stood there still, honestly I don't think its a big deal what would I have texted back? "okay"? That's just being extra and I don't want to talk to him, going on this date will be torture enough.

"Amber where is your damn phone!" Maya yelled as she ran around the house looking for it. Wow she really wants me to go on this date. I sighed and walked to the counter and pulled it from behind the cereal box, I'm surprised she didn't see it. I turned it on to see no new texts but a few notifications for Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram but I didn't get a chance to check them because my phone was ripped out of my hands. I looked up to see Maya looking very proud that she found my phone. "Hey!" I yelled trying to grab my phone back but Maya quickly moved it away from me.

Maya smirked at me, "I just want to quickly text okay sounds good, that's all! Than I wont bring him or the date up at all tonight, I promise!" Ugh I don't want her to text him but it would be nice to not hear about him for just one night. I know that if I don't take this deal Maya will talk about him non stop. I sighed in defeat "Okay fine, but hurry up I'm ordering pizza." I said picking up the house phone to call Papas Johns. Maya squealed in delight, I swear sometimes I wonder about this girl. I shook my head with a smile smile on my lips.

"Hello, Papa Johns. How can I help you?" the voice spoke politely. "Hi can I get a large Hawaiian and a large everything, with 1 box of cheese bread and a large bottle of coke please" I said looking over at Maya to check if my order was okay. She wasn't even looking at me though, she was staring intensively at my phone. I sighed, I really hope she didn't say anything other than okay. I quickly remembered that I didn't tell the person on the phone my address to drop the food off so I quickly told him. "Okay mam, you total will come up to $27.36. The diver will drop it off at your house in about 30 minutes. Is that all okay?" He said nicely, this guy was so polite. Most people on the phone I order I order from are always grouchy or rude. I'm definitely giving them a good tip.

After I hung up the phone I walked up to the phone to see Maya on my gallery looking at my photos. "What are you doing?" I asked curiously. Maya jumped in surprise, why is she acting so strange? She smiled at me happily "Thomas asked for a picture so I was just looking to find a cute one to send" she said looking back at my phone scrolling though all the pictures of me and friends at my old school. My eyes wide, is she kidding! She has to be joking, she would never send a random boy I don't even like a picture of myself. I waited for her to turn around and just burst out laughing saying "Ha I got you! Your face was priceless, I cant believe you believed it!" but she didn't. Just kept looking at the phone, there is no way I'm letting her send a picture of me to Thomas.

I quickly grabbed my phone back and turned it off so she couldn't get it back. "What the hell Amber, I was doing something!" she honestly looked mad, but she didn't get to be one to be mad, that was my job right now. I was furious! she didn't even ask if I was okay with it, which I'm not. "Maya you cant honestly believe that I would let you send a picture of myself to a boy I don't even like!?" I asked upset and confused. My gosh Maya is so confusing!

Maya seemed to come to her senses because her face dropped and she immediately apologized. "Oh gosh Amber, I'm so sorry I don't know what I was doing. Its just I was texting Thomas and he was so convincing he was being all romantic and I've never had anyone say those things to me. I'm really sorry, I just got caught up with how sweet he was being... please forgive me" I was shocked at her reply "Oh course Maya I could never stay mad at you for long. I guess Thomas player ways came in handle, did he know It was you texting him and not me? We should get him back for thinking he could use him player charms on me. It could be fun" I hugged her and I pulled away to let Maya reply. She didn't say anything but she smirked evilly.

I could tell Maya had a plan and if I know anything about Maya is that she is dangerously evil when it come to revenge.


Hey readers, I hope you liked the chapter! Sorry it's a little shorter, I've had tests almost everyday this week at school so I was studying a lot. Any ideas on what Maya has planned??? Do you think Thomas deserves it?? Please Vote and Comment! Ill be updating next week!

Thanks: Melanie

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