Chapter 1

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'Just keep moving, Walkers, use your bow, they haven't noticed you yet. Pull... release. Yes, one! Pull... release, two. Pull... release, three. Is that it? Damn it, I hate odd numbers! Go get your arrows. Damn it, one broke, I hate making arrows. Finding the supplies for it is difficult. Start walking, walking, walking, trees, trees for days, nothing but trees, and the occasional walker. Wait, stop, quiet, a car. Run, run, find the road, hurry!'

'Where is it, where is it? Ugh it's gone, just keep walking. Wait mark that tree, hmm, what should I carve this time. Eh, just carve an X. Done, now go find the road, you've only been in the woods for about a week.'

'Oh my fiend is that a road, run, run, before it's too good to be true. It is, it is, kiss it, love it, hug it! Get up idiot, if anyone saw you they would think you were a fool. Just pick which way to walk, look at the map. Where am I, oh, right, Nowhere, oh, go left.'

'This way, keep walking. Ah fiend how long have I been walking? Hours! It's about to be dark, better set up a bed for the night. Pick a tree, any tree, that one. Careful, don't need to get injured now. Climb, climb, this spot works. Mark your kills before the light is gone.'

Roll up my sleeve, pull out my small knife. Maybe I should start a new line. Press the knife into my skin, one cut, join it, two, next one three. One and a half arrows, I hated when I couldn't finish an arrow on my arm. Everyday I would mark my kills on my arm, to keep the days separate, I put a fingers space between the days kills. I had a line going from between my first two knuckles up to the front of my shoulder, then another line following it, I had three lines going from between my first two toes, up my leg, to my hip. I made them small, so I wouldn't run out of room. The scars were bumpy on my skin, a few sank into my skin.

After I finished my three marks, I put my knife away, and sat back closing my eyes, as the sun disappeared.' Goodnight Fred." I thought in my head, quickly falling asleep, when you've been out here as long as I have you get used to the noises.

I slept well through the night, as the sun started to peek over the horizon I was woken by the sound of a roaring engine.' Crap, move, move, get out of the tree, you string bean!' I quickly hopped out of the tree, and ran to the road, the vehicle passing before I could break free of the trees. 'Damn it, just start walking I guess, keep an eye on the vehicle see where it goes.'

I pulled out my spy glass, seeing them still going straight down the street. I tucked it back in my jacket and started jogging after them. My callused feet hitting the asphalt with a thud. I regret not going running with my parents now, I should've picked it up.

Oh fiend, according to the sun, it's been a few hours. I'm basically walking like a walker, zig zaggy, trying to stay on my feet. I pulled out my spy glass again, and saw the truck drive over a hill and disappear.' Crap, hurry!' I ran over to the top of the hill, and there it was, a home, not just a home, a community. It was many miles away, it looked tiny from where I was at, but I could make it before sun down.

"Let's go Fred." I patted the strap of my "buck" pack. Haha get it, see what I did there, no, that's cool.

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