I was so high, in the summer clouds
That even rumours couldn't bring me down
My wings were spread, I was off the ground
Until you turned my life around.
I wanted to be like you, with your long blonde hair
And your deep brown eyes, your skin, so fair.
You tossed me aside, you laughed in my face
And I ended up feeling like a disgrace.
But one October night, you changed my life
You showed me your cuts, lead me to a knife.
It seemed to be flawless, it erased all your pain
And gave you a smile as right as rain.
So, in secret, in the dead of night
When the silver moon cast an eerie light
I cut deeper and deeper with my blunted blade
I called out, I screamed, but along came no aid.
I found myself addicted, I was hooked on pain
It was a feeling I still can't explain.
I didn't know what to do, I started to despair
I had lost all my faith and no longer did I care.
Then along came my angel, my savior was there
With her pale skin, brown eyes and long blonde hair.
She came and cried with me, we both said sorry
Then she helped me, she loved me, she made it okay.
Forever I'll be thankful for my angel in white
Who came to me in darkness and made it alright.
I'll always be owing you, for listening and being there.
Thank you, so much, my pet, Clare (:

Scarlet Tears: A collection of poems, stories and quotes about self harm
PoetryA book of poetry aimed at people who have or are struggling with the addiction of self injury. These are poems highlighting the growing problems of self harm. It isn't judging, though, and doesn't insist that the person suffering MUST stop or MUST r...