Ch. 6

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The minute I saw his face I knew exactly who he was and what he wanted. As soon as he was out of sight, I turned around to look at Austin in the drivers seat and Alex in the passengar seat. They both just sat there. With their eyes on the road. I broke the silence. Someone had to.

"Does anyone know who he is?" I saw that look in Austin's eyes. Like he knew more than something. Alex just stared out the window and it grew silent again.

"Austin? Do you know something?" He nodded.

"What is it?" He just kept staring at the road and didnt say anything. I dont even think he knew where we were going. I just sat there, thinking, with my back slouching. 

We arrived at a hotel. Why were we here? Austin and Alex both got out of the car and walked towards the entrance. I just sat in the car and watched them walk in. Through the glass doors, I could see them talking to someone behind the counter with kind of a black buzz cut. He looked kind of like the kid, Robert who Alex described throughout all of the stories of him, Austin, Robert, Zach, and Tyler. I saw the guy put his hand over his mouth. He knew something too. I could see Austin and Alex walking back to the car as the guy behind the counter came out and told what looked like his boss that he needed to leave and the "boss" just nodded. Austin and Alex got in the car.

"Can I please know what the hell is going on?!"

"Kaley, I'm so sorry. Just sit tight. Ill explain later." Austin said as he started the car.

"Im really sorry you got into this." Alex said as he turned around to hold my hand. I pulled away and the guy from the counter got in the car. He sat on the other side of me so i moved from the middle, to the seat behind Austin in disaproval. 

"Hey." he said.

"Ummmm, who are you?"

"Oh, sorry. Im Robert." He said as he put his hand out for me to shake it. I shook his hand and then turned away. 

It was quiet for about 5 minutes.

"Austin, where are we going?"

"To see my mom."

Ugh. I really dont feel like meeting a mom right now. I looked over and saw Robert staring at me.

"Can I help you?" I asked sort of sassy.

"Your really beautiful. Nothing like Alex explained."

"Oh thanks bro." Alex said as I chuckled.

After about a few minutes, Austin looked in the rearview mirror and caught Robert checking me out.

"Hey Robert."


"Mind not drooling all over my car over the poor girl?" Austin said as he put his eyes back on the road.

"Oh sorry, didnt know you two were an item." Robert said as he held his hands up surrendering.

"Were n- I mea- we-" He gave up.

We pulled up to a giant building and Austin got out, walking in. 

"Where are we?"

"Austins moms work." Alex answered.

Austin came back out and gave us the signal to walk in. Robert ran as fast as he could around the car to open the door for me. "Let me get that for you."


I followed Austin, Alex, and Robert to the elavator and went up to the 4th floor. When we got out, a guy asked us who we were looking for, "Michele Mahone" Austin told the guy. As soon as he said that the guys eyes got wide and just held out his arm signalling us to go through.

We walked into her office. "Hey honey! Wasnt expecting a visit! Hey Rob! Hey Alex!"

Austin hugged his mom and Alex and Robert both hugged her and said hello. 

"Mom, we need to talk and its serious."

"Okay! We can talk right after you introduce me to this beautiful young lady Austin! How rude of you not to!" She said as she shut the door.

"This is Kaley." he said pointing to me as I smiled and waved.

"Its nice to meet you." she said as she shook my hand. "Your much prettier than Layla, Austins old girlfriend." She said as I chuckled and said thank you. Michele sat down and looked at us all. "So whats up? I usually dont get visits this late."

"Mom, hes back." Austin said, as Michele gasped and put her hand over he mouth.

(A/N) sorry for such a sucky chapter:/ I didnt really know what I was gonna write or how long i was gonna make this chapter, but then I got the perfect idea so I ended up ending  the chapter right here and cutting it short for more suspense ;) Anywaysss, keep reading and stay beautifulll:*****

He Rode the Roller Coaster // Austin MahoneWhere stories live. Discover now