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(5 years ago)

Jazzmine's POV:

Today is the day, I get married 2 Jacob!!! I'm having cold feet, but I'm positive I wanna do this besides no going back now. Soon, Tyga came in my dressing room telling me it was time 2 go, the bridemaids and etc already walked down the isle, we went into thw hall, a minute later my theme song played and I was walking dowm the isle with my big and favorite brother.

Preacher: *says his stuff* Jacob do you take Jazzmine to be your wife?

Jacob: I do

Preacher: Jazzmine do you take Jacob to be your husband?

Jazzmine: I do

Preacher: You may kiss the bride

Jacob leaned in and we shared a passionate kiss, I haven't felt those sparks in awhile. Soon when we pulled away I saw everyone standing up clapping, it was the most happiest day of my life











Until he cheated and had a double life with my high school rival

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