Priso--SCHOOL (part 2)

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- Confidently shouting out the wrong answer in class.

- Teacher: Time to submit your homework!
You: We had homework?

- You have no idea what the teacher is saying but you nod your head every few seconds so you look like you understand.

- When you already coughed a kazillion times in class and you try to hold it in so everyone doesn't look at you like you murdered their family. Again.

- Doing a class presentation and your group member's struggling to read "photosynthesis".

- When the teacher changes the PowerPoint slide but you're not done writing.

- "Keep this in the back of your mind, it'll be in the exam."

- Hearing "5 minutes left" during a test.

- When you finish solving a math problem and your answer isn't even in the options.

- When question 6 is a geometry question and you see everyone using a ruler as soon as you write your name on the paper.

- When all your teachers assign tests on the same day.

- Changing the word in an essay because you don't know how to spell it.

- When your friends make you write a paper for them.

- When a question on a test gives the answer to another question on the same test.

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