Relatable Moments (New Year Edition!)

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Author's note
Hey guys! I know I'm publishing this chapter a day before New Year, but I have a weird thing where I am not physically able to keep my finger away from "Publish" when I've written an entire draft. Also because I have SO much homework! Literally, 82 worksheets, plus 3 chapters, plus 3 essays plus a whole page and a half of a foreign language! I don't think I can keep up with this any longer, but I'll be busy on New Year's day, so HAPPY NEW YEAR IN ADVANCE, KIDS! Lol. :3
- That moment when you're writing down your New Year's resolutions and the thought that you'll never in your entire life be able to fulfill them keeps running through your mind.

- The struggle of writing the date at school for the following 2 months.

- Turning on every news channel to see fireworks and sparklers everywhere.

- Everyone discussing their New Year plans and people posting pictures of all the shebang on Insta while you're just there sitting on your couch like a baked potato.

- Feeling sorry for the people who have a phobia of firecrackers.

- Being envious of people who's birthdays are on the 1st.

- Every store having a "New Year clearance sale".

- The App Store, Google Play etc blowing up with the "Best Picks of 2016".

- Actually feeling a bit sad saying goodbye to the year...for a fraction of a second.

- Realizing how crappy this year was.

-Waiting until exactly 12:00 of the 31st to wish everyone and scream "Happy New Year" out your window.


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