Relatable moments - Texting

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Lol I had no ideas just deal with me okay 😂

- You're typing a text as fast as you can about how you love your new phone, when right in the middle of your texting spree, your friend sends a text about how she just broke her new phone. AND THEN YOU HAVE TO BACKSPACE ALL YOUR HARD WORK AND DREAMS AND TYPE "SORRY". Oh, the frustration.

- When your wifi is being RoOd and your friends are receiving your texts at the WORST possible times. "Guys! Guess what? My grandma just passed away 😭" THE DEVIL WIFI: "Lol."

- I don't text often, but when I do, it's an essay long text about my conspiracy theory on the Illuminati.

- The number of times me and my friends have texted "Lol" in a single conversation is probably more than the number of people in the US.

- That beautiful feeling when you and your friend can relate on every single topic you mention and the entire conversation is filled with "ikr"s.

- Autocorrect will always get the best of you. "I dove my knew shows!"

- and ehrn you finallt disible autocorrect all ylru texts look lime yjis.

- When you're texting with your nose because you're eating and gettin paranoid about the person you're texting judging your typing speed.

- Speaking of texting speed, that one friend who you avoid talking to just because during the time they take to type a single word, you could complete a whole level of "Bottle Flip".

- The friend who sends a billion texts all containing a SINGLE WORD versus the friend who texts a paragraph during the rare occasions when they text.

- Does anyone else find the sound of sending a text really annoying?

Sooo that's all I got for now, sorry I was inactive for 500000 years, I completely forgot about wattpad AND ran out of excuses so...

Stay frosted, fellow cupcakes. <3

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