Relatable moments - Homework

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All hail dru--Homework.

- Giving the 6th period teacher that "We've been getting homework every single lesson before yours" look.

- Finding an online answer key to your math workbook. #victory

- Using the answer key for an assignment (Don't lie, we've all been there) and finding out that there was a printing mistake in the answer key, and "hours" was supposed to be "minutes".

-"Hey, I can just change my answer, right?" Wrong. Your book's in the teacher's hands now.

- Leaving blank pages in your notebooks for homework that you'll "do later."

- Seeing the one teacher who didn't give you homework for the day in a whole new light.

- Doing a TRUCKLOAD of "Holiday Homework" and coming to school to find out it was "optional."

- When your dog actually ate your homework.

- Realizing that you could've done all your homework 20 times during the time you spent thinking of an excuse.

- Googling "How to get out of homework."

- The "Let's all cross check our homework together tomorrow morning" squad.

- Trying to convince everyone to skip the one question you couldn't understand so you could be together.

- The one smart kid everyone copies homework off of. And, if you're lucky, you might even be able to get them to actually do your homework for you.

- "Home Work". Lol. More like "Morning School Bus Work."

- That feeling of a heavy weight being lifted off of you shoulders when turning in your assignment.

Lmao bye

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