The Great Magic of Just One Makeover

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Hermoine's P.O.V.
As I stepped out of the dressing room, making a dramatic entrance, Malfoy stared at me in awe, with a smirky grin on his face. "Wow,"He gawked.
          "How do I look?"I asked. I twirled around, just to tease him.
          "Wow,"He replied back.
          "What do you mean, wow? Give me more on how I look!" I yelled, softly.
          "I mean, you look... It's just that...Sometimes...Maybe that..."He stuttered, blushing.
          "Awwwww, is someone blushing?"I questioned, with a smirk on my face. I was just teasing him, but I just felt that there was a real connection between us, right now. Maybe it was because he's spending all this time on me.
             But, was he only doing this for Kendall? Was he just pretending? To get back at her?
            "Uh....Nope. No one...Well, I don't think so. Is it Vincent?" He stuttered constantly.
"Sure..." I said, sarcastically. I could feel my face flushing with redness, and my legs trembling with fear for the Ferret to talk back to me. I was not used to this feeling of him being so nice to me. Usually, he would just tease me comment on all he Things I was doing wrong, but instead of this happening, all I get is the opposite---
Me teasing him!
"Ok... Moments over!" I finally apprehended, cause this was just getting too awkward.
"Yeah, yeah." Malfoy stared to say, when I interrupted him with my own saying.
"Umm, so what now? You did plan everything out right? You said you did before? The plan? About revenge on Ron? Kendall? Anything sparking your mind?"
"Oh! Of course! Yeah, right! So... let me just explain the whole thing to you, first!"The Ferret replied with big eyes and a smirk on his face.
           "The first step we already mastered, giving you a new makeover. I was gonna give myself one, as well, but I figured I didn't need it."He explained with the famous Malfoy smirk. "Second step, we have to do a stunt, a publicity stunt, to get ourselves on the Daily Prophet. This should be pretty easy, since Rita Skeeter... you know her! This publicity stunt will show Ron and Kendall that we don't need them anymore, that we have each other! They'll get super jealous!" He said, while I stood there blushing, hard. I felt so embarrassed.
             Draco was smirking at me, so I just said,"Only three steps?"
            "I guess..."He replied. We stared at each other, still in the waiting area of Vincent's Beauty Center. I didn't want to keep sitting there, and I could tell he didn't want to either, but we were waiting for the bill. We couldn't just leave without paying!
             After a long time waiting, Vincent, at last, came out of an "EMPLOYEE ONLY" door. He sat down in front of Malfoy and I, placing a stack of papers down in the coffee table.
"Well, here is your bill,"He said, adjusting himself in the velvet red chair, and writing a gazzillion numbers on one of the pieces of paper. While he was doing this, I took my pastel blue wallet with diamonds on it, out. I attempted to take out my credit card, but Malfoy's arm blocked mine. I felt chills going up my arm, when he touched me. What was going on? Why was I feeling this way? Just forget it, Hermoine. Forget about it.
"No, Granger. Let me, my treat." Malfoy explained, still holding my arm.
"Uh... Thank you. You know, Malfoy, I never knew you could be so soft, until this day. Thank you, again."I replied.
"Your welcome, Granger."He said, taking out his wallet with his credit card.
"I'll be right back, guys. I'll leave you guys to it!."Vincent explained.
I felt my face flushing with redness again."We're not...He's not...I'm not...She's not." We kept stuttering.
"Ok..." Vincent muttered to himself.
Malfoy and I waited...Again, for Vincent to return with Draco's credit card.
Wait, did I just call Malfoy by his first name? What the heck is going in with me, today?
"Ok...Done with your credit card, man. Thanks for coming! Hope you come back soon!"Vincent cried.
"Of course! Thank you so much!" I replied.
"Thanks, Vincent! Now... Step 2, creating a publicity stunt to get in the Daily Prophet!"

Hey guys! I'm starting this "Q&A" thing in the comments section, so if you guys have any questions or comments for me, you are welcome to type them up!
Sorry for the short chapter! Hoped you liked it, though! Thank you guys for reading the second chapter of my story, The Makeover. Please vote and comment!
Thanks to harrypotter10, again! You are a real inspiration to me! Thanks! So jealous of you and your writing! Go check her story, My Love, out!

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