The Awkward Date

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Hermoine's P.O.V.
           "Hey!" A crowd of voices rushed into my ears, as Draco and I entered the Three Broomsticks. It was probably a few of Malfoy's buddies. They ran over and patted him on the back with a heavy force. It seemed as if they didn't even see me.
            Was I invisible to them?
"Hello, I'm Hermoine Granger."I said, holding my hand out to shake theirs.
"Hey...." One of his friends said, with an awkward voice."Jason."
"Well, nice to meet you."I replied, hoping someone else would hold out their hand and shake mine. They didn't. I felt so embarrassed.
"Ummmm.... I'm gonna go to the lady's room. It was nice to meet you!"I yelled, with a delicate voice, turning my body around, while walking backwards. I pushed open the door and walked into one of the stalls.
"I know, right! He was such a whore! I just couldn't stand the feeling that he was having sex behind my back!" I heard someone say.
I knew that voice....
"Girl, you know you made the right decision! Breakups are hard, hon. Just deal!" Another said with a sweet and caring voice. "In fact, now, you have Ron! Isn't he just so much better than that last one? What was is name? Drake? Or something?"
Could it be? Ron? Kendall Ramirez?!?
I hid in the stall, weeping tears. water was flooding out of my eyes. I waited until Kendall and her friend left the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I looked like I just arose from the dead! I quickly took out my make up that I kept in my bag in case of emergencies.
I still had some mascara running down my face, but I didn't care. I pushed open the door, and walked up to Malfoy at the far end table. I guess he ordered the food already because there were dishes of desserts scattered everywhere on our tiny, little table.
              "Are you ok?"Malfoy asked. I guess he noticed the mascara, all right.
             "Yeah, I'm fine."I replied, with soft sniffles.
             "Tell me, what's wrong?"Malfoy asked, with a slight concentration on my eye, which were about to to have water pouring out of them.
            "I saw Kendall and her friend in the bathroom."I blurted out.
             "Oh."He replied with a slightly disappointed smile. "Did she say anything about me?" He asked.
             "Yeah.... I don't think you would want to know what they said though."
             "Oh... It's worth a try." He said. I could understand how he felt about it. He didn't want to know, but at the same time, he did. It was just like when I was in the bathroom. I didn't want to listen any further on Kendall and her friend's conversation, but I wanted to, just like Malfoy wanted to hear what they said.
             "Ok." I started."They said that....You were a... Whore. And that she couldn't stand knowing that you were having...Ummm... Sex, behind her back...They also said some stuff about Ron, but...Let's not get into the that, yet."
               "Oh."He replied, with a sad look on his face."Ok, well. We didn't come here to mourn about my losses. We're here to get attention, so... Let's just  go on with our plans, and do whatever it is we had to do. You still look as beautiful as ever with mascara running down your face, though. I bet you that our plan will still work."
              "Yeah, yeah. Thanks for the positive lecture. Let's get on with the plan, shall we?" I said, awkwardly."What did you order?"
             "Ummmmm, I ordered apple pie, apple sorbets, and two apple smoothies. I hope you like apples!"He said, with a chuckle.
         "Yes, I do."I replied.
         "Dig in!" Malfoy exclaimed.
            We picked up our forks and dug into the apple pie, our forks, accidentally touching. Clink! The forks made. I blushed like crazy.
          What had gone wrong with me?
         "Hehe,"I chuckled.
A few hours later...
           "I had a nice time with you today." I exclaimed, with a big smile on my face.
             "I knew you would..."He replied with the Malfoy smirk."I knew you would......"

         Hey guys!🤓Thank you, everyone, for reading the fourth chapter of The Makeover. Comment or vote if you have any suggestions for my story. Make sure to also read my other story, The Path Of Chloe Grimmaldi, and watch the videos I post on the top! Stick around for Chapter 5! Bye, my Potter heads!👩🏻‍⚖️

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