Succeed or Fail?

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Draco's P.O.V.
        When I woke up this morning, I felt so relaxed--- A feeling I never felt before, when I woke up. Usually, I would have this stinging feeling that something bad was going to happen to me, that day. And every time, I was right... Sadly.
         Why was that you ask? I don't have a single clue.
         I could feel that today was going to be a special day. A significant one. I arose from the bed and in came, flying through my window, my eagle-owl. It was holding a piece of parchment. He dropped it on my lap and stood on the window sill, waiting for me to write my reply to whoever this was.

Dear Malfoy,
         Come to my house, as soon as possible. You have to hear the news. Everyone is talking about "it!" This is actually going to go the way we expected it to be! Apparate here as soon as you get this!
                         -Hermoine Granger
            Sorry, pal. You're not giving anything back, today." I told him, while I grabbed my brown, leather jacket and put on some pants. I went to the bathroom, bulrushes my teeth, jelled, and combed my hair.
             Poof! I arrived on the front step of Granger's house. Knock! Knock! Knock!
             I heard footsteps, coming towards me, getting louder and louder. Suddenly, the door burst open. Holding the Dailey Prophet in her hands, there Hermoine stood with a wide open grin on her face. I read the title. The Slytherin Prince and The Gryffindor Princess... Reuniting?
             "Yessssssssss!"I yelled."Our plan has worked!"
            "Come in! Come in!"She gestured me into her living room.
I stepped inside, and walked to her couch. I plopped down on it, and saw a copy of the Daily Prophet on the table. I grabbed at it, and started to read.
When I finished, I sighed. I can't believe it actually worked. It actually did. Inside, I was screaming. This would be complete. Wonder what Kendall will think about this... But what would Granger and I do after we get back together with them?
             Surprisingly, I didn't want to let her go off on her own yet. She wasn't ready if the Weasel decided to break up with her again. Of course, I was ready. I've been ready my whole life! Literally!   
            Letting her go would be such a disappointment...
Why was I becoming so sappy and sentimental? Oh! Right.... I was in love with... Uhhhh! I can't even say her name right now!
Hermoine's P.O.V.
When I wrote the letter to Malfoy, I kept thinking about how I should end it. Love, Hermoine Granger? No. Sincerely, Granger? Nah. At the end, I just ended up writing,"-Hermoine Granger.
At the time when Draco knocked on my door, I felt a sudden feeling to run up to him. That was really weird. Well, don't make fun of me, but I did. I ran up to the door.... but I didn't hug him, of course. That was just weird, and.... I JUST NEEDED SOME SPACE, ok?
             I invited him in, and he immediately sat down on my couch.
Uh, he's so rude... But so handsome at the same time! Snap out of it!
             What would I do if the plan did work at the end? Like would Malfoy and I still be... You know. Friends?

       Hey, my Potter heads! Thank you for reading! Shoutout to my friends, sgaglani77, janeyoo0310, and harrypotter_10! Thank you for all of your support! Congrats to janeyoo0310 for hitting 97 reads on her story!
       Comment, vote, or question me on any topic! Bye! For now.....😂Muah ha ha ha!

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