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Hermoine's POV
My eyes fluttered open. Darkness was all I saw. A hooded figure loomed towards me. I recognized him, but I couldn't exactly capture the memories with him, either it was good or bad. "What do you want from me?!" I screamed, and I realized my yelling had echoed against the walls surrounding me.
"You don't recognize me?" The man added, when a smirk played on his lips.
I looked him straight in his eyes. I looked at his facial features. Pale skin, black hooded figure, darkened black eyes, a no-nosed figure? Bad memories suddenly flourished towards me. Positive thoughts withered away. "Voldemort..." I said with his name still echoing around me and in my head. "How--- how did you-- Who brought you back? No! Magic can't bring back the dead! It's just not possible!" I stuttered.
"Oh, Miss Granger. I believe it is. Guess the "Smartest Witch of Her Age" name didn't live on. That information is not for you to know, Miss Granger." He explained to me.
"Daddy!" I heard an echo from a few feet away. Suddenly, a figure emerged from the darkness. I could see black curly hair and eyes as dark as the night. Who was that girl?
          "I'm busing here, Vanessa." Voldemort rebuked.
          "With what? I thought you had no life, dad!" The girl, Vanessa replied, with an evil cackle similar to Bellatrix's. Could it be? Could Bellatrix and Voldemort actually have a child together?
           "Vanessa, dear. Can we talk outside for a second?"
          "Uhhh," Vanessa grunted."Fine!"
          After they stepped foot outside, I heard Voldemort and Vanessa's conversation.
"Dad! I don't want to become evil like you! I wanna do good, instead of evil, in this magical place! We are lucky enough to be living here, instead of Azkaban, like Mom! You don't have to screw it up! You can have actual friends, Dad! If your not always ruling he world and doing horrifying work all the time, you would have actually noticed that good is better than bad!" I heard Vanessa say to her father, while storming off with a fit.
I heard Voldemort let out a big sigh, an she yelled, before Vanessa's footsteps withered out, "You should have been following in your mother and I's footsteps, instead of dreaming about these stupid things that will never happen to you! Why even bother with trying?! Your mother and I have worked so hard to turn you into becoming like us, Death Eaters! I guess we didn't do such a good job as we thought we did!"
Wow! I never thought that conversation would turn out to be a bunch of yelling and screaming! I would've thought that Voldemort would actually be kind to his own daughter because he wanted her to join the Death Eaters' side, but I guess everyone thought wrong about something today! I wonder what is going on at my apartment... Was Draco there already? Did he even bother to come to my house after lunch. What would he be thinking right now if he had come to my house? Could he have come to save me? No, he wouldn't... Would he? After the big and noisy fight between Voldemort and Vanessa, Voldemort never came back for me, so I sat there, lonely and sad by myself, but a couple of days later...

I cannot believe I already have 220 reads on my story! I just want to thank you guys for everything you've done to help me succeed in The Makeover, like voting, commenting, etc. Just want to shoutout @potterlover615 for helping and assisting me in writing this AWESOME ninth chapter! You have done so much for me and my novel. For anyone, who likes this story, please comment any questions you have for me, reactions to this chapter, etc. and vote on The Makeover! I appreciate everything you potterheads do for this story, and if we get more than 10 votes on this chapter I will give shoutouts to my readers if you comment your username in the comments section.

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