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Hermoine's POV
            "Well, the plan was that Draco would make me beautiful with the help of one of his friends, Vincent. NOT VINCENT CRABB. I repeat, NOT VINCENT CRABB. The other Vincent is SO much nicer than him. After I would have this beautiful makeover, we agreed that Draco would bring me out on a date."
              "Wait..." Ginny interrupted."You had a date with DRACO MALFOY?!???"
              "Ummmm, yeah?" I replied.
              "Ok, continue." Ginny said, like nothing in particular happened.
            "Ok, so... Where did I leave off? Oh! Right! The part where Draco and I went on the date at the Three Broomsticks. Well, basically all his friends were there, but they barely even noticed me. I went into the bathroom and I heard Kendall and her friends gossiping about Ronald, Draco, and I. She said some... Mean things, let's just say, so I ran out of the stall, crying. Basically, Draco saw me and had this whole, awkward conversation about it. The good news was, that many people noticed us and we got pur faces planted not eh front page of the Daily Prophet!" I explained with real enthusiasm.
"Ok... That was a whole lot of information, but... I'm glad you told me." Ginny replied.
"Thank you for being so settle with me. I didn't know what your reaction would be when U explained all this to you. Thank you so much for forgiving me about this whole situation. Hope your not mad?"
"Mad? No! I'm happy you found someone else other than that stupid git, Ronald!" She said.
"WAIT, WHAT?!??" I screamed. "I'm not in love with Draco! I repeat, NOT IN LOVE WITH DRACO MALFOY! What makes you think this, Gin?" I yelled.
"I don't know!" Ginny replied, acting innocent.
"Ok, it's not your fault, Gin. I don't blame you, but just to be clear, I'm not in love with him."
"Fine! Fine!" She said putting her hands up in the air, like she was guilty of something.
"Ummmmm, yeah, that's basically what I was meaning to tell you. I just didn't want you to get the wrong idea, after you see the Prophet." I explained to her.
"Ok, I really appreciate you telling me this. You are the best! I'm so sorry about Ron. He's such a stupid, brat. He should never have dumped you like this. And I get why you wanted to do this with Mal-- Draco."
"And I appreciate you for understanding. Well, I have to go meet up with Draco... about the plan. Don't get any wrong ideas!"
As she grabbed her wand and apparated away, I grabbed my coat and lunged for the phone, to call Draco. I needed to talk to him about me telling Ginny about our plan. Knowing him, he probably already told Blaise about this.

Hello, my fellow potter heads!🤓 Sorry for this short and boring chapter. I'm having some trouble thinking of what to write. If you guys have any suggestions on what to write about next, I would be glad to write away! As always, vote and comment!

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