The Truth

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Hermoine's POV
Darkness filled up the empty room. Someone was walking towards me. I could see a glint of orange and red hair gleaming out from the black space between us. I started to make out a shape... Of the one and only, Ginerva Molly Weasley, who's face was as red as her hair. She was holding a crumpled copy of the Daily Prophet, one I had seen before.
"Hermoine! What have you done?! Why would you do something like this? Hooking up with Malfoy without informing me about it? You are just a stupid little Mudblood. I hope you and Malfoy are better off together, without me in your life!" She said running off into the darkness, again.
I woke up with a stirring mind, thinking if Ginny would actually do that to me, her best friend. I started to feel a pain of guilt in my stomach. Should I have done this? Was payback a mistake?
I sat up from bed and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a piece of parchment and started writing.

Dear Gin,
Come to my house for some important issues. I need to talk to you about something crucial. This can affect my life, and your the only one who can get me through this.

I rolled up the piece of parchment and attached it onto my owl's foot. It flew off into the day, its wings stretched out, making me calm down, and think positive thoughts.
Was I doing the right thing? Is this the right thing to do? I walked into the living room, not remembering to tell Draco about this. While waiting for Gin's reply letter, I turned on the TV and watched The Notebook, grabbing tissues from my right. I always kept a box of tissues next to me in times like this.
             After a few short minutes, my owl flew in through my window with a letter... Ginny's.

Dear Moine,
         Of course I can come. I'll always be right beside you when you need me. Coming as fast as I can.
- Gin

As I finished reading the letter, I heard a cracking sound. Ginny must have arrived!
"Moine! I'm here!" I heard Ginny yell.
"Coming!" I replied.
I walked into the living room, seeing Ginny hang up her coat and take of her shoes at the door. We were so close and we went to each other's houses all the time that we just knew by instinct of what to do when we got there. "Come, sit!" I gestured. She walked to her favorite spot in my living room, the couch.
"What's up?"
"Well... I don't know how to say, Umm. Let me just come right out and say it." I hesitated before I started rambling. "IfoundRonandDraco'sgirlfriendatAcciolookingliketheywereonareallyromantucdattogetherontheDaily
"WAIT! You call the ferret Draco, now? Ok, you HAVE to tell me what is going on!"
"As I was saying, Draco and I just... I don't know, made up or something. We made a plan to get revenge on Kendall, Draco's EX-girlfriend, and Ronald. Yeah... That's about it."
"Umm, and why didn't you tell me this before?"
"I didn't know how you would react! I didn't want you to get mad at me!"
"Listen, Moine. I would never just get mad at you if you are following what you want to do in life! I'm not gonna stop that!" Ginny said in a comforting way that made me feel like I was in a safe place.
"Thanks, Gin. You really are the best friend anyone could have."
"Yeah, yeah. Now, give me ALL the details. What happened?!? What was the plan you guys made up to get revenge on Kendall and Ron? Tell me, tell me, tell me!"
"Ok! Ok! Well..."

Thank you guys for reading! I know I haven't been writing a lot, since the past few days, and I am SO SORRY. You honestly don't know how I feel about this!😭 I hope you guys can forgive me! I hoped you liked this chapter, even though it was shorter than the others. Shoutout to janeyoo0310 and thegardenofroses for always supporting me and The Makeover. You guys are the best! Bye! And always, comment, vote, or give me some recommendations! Thanks so much guys. Again, sorry for the long wait!

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