Help From A Former Enemy

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Draco's POV-
Where was Hermoine? Could she have ditched me? Where could she have gone? And why did she even plan this at her house if she knew that she had something else planned? Or... What if something had happened to her?! She wasn't the kind of person to ditch! Especially at her own house! I'm starting to think that something actually happened to her... Where could she have gone?
Suddenly, I thought of something that could be as horrifying as the time when I hugged Voldemort. What if the Death Eaters took her? But wait... Weren't they all in Azkaban? Except... No, it couldn't be. Could Voldemort have rised from the dead? Just in case, I searched around the house for any clues of the kidnapping. First, I went upstairs into her room and closet, smelling the sweet scent of her perfume, and thinking if she was sleeping and lost track of time or something like that. I even started to crawl on the floor looking for any signs of kidnap, just to find her! Nothing. Then, I went into her bathroom, if she was in there or not. Even if I had to see her standing inside doing her "business," I would've still gone inside because I was so worried about her. Where could she actually be? Was she hiding from me? If she was, why? Did I do something wrong? Was she mad at me? No, that couldn't be. She wouldn't do this. I continued to search into her guest bedroom and bathroom, but still, guess what I found? NOTHING. After that, I went into the laundry room. Could she have lost track of time doing laundry? Nah, who would do that? Laundry is boring. Following this action, I escaped downstairs into the kitchen, where she usually cooks herself lunch. NOPE, nothing there, either. Afterwards, I finally just gave up because it looked like the kidnapper didn't leave any clues, until... I saw someone odd. Something really odd, something that Hermoine wouldn't have done... I saw a piece of a... BAG? Huh? What was this supposed to mean? This obviously wasn't a clue because its so little and its... Ummmm... part of
              I thought about this for a very long time on one of Hermoine's chairs in the living room. It was the chair that she always sat on when she thought about serious matters, so I thought, "Why not try it out?" At first, I couldn't think of any way possible that a bag could have landed on the floor of her living room, except that it flew in from the window as trash, but then... My Slytherin smarts kicked in, and I thought of an actual, reasonable, explanation to all this. Could the kidnappers have used a bag to scoop up Hermoine and bring her to a secret place where she could no longer find her way back? Suddenly, I remembered something. Did she have her wand with her right now? She could have just apparated back, already! I went up to her bedroom, once more, to find... her wand on her messy bed, just waiting for it to be stolen from her. I sighed, but swiftly thought of something. I could ask the Ministry of Magic to scan the piece of bag I found and use the hand print to find the culprit! I ran out of the bedroom, grabbed the piece of bag and my wand, and apparated out of there as soon as possible. As soon as I got the the Ministry's headquarters, I went to their offices to see Potter there. Maybe I could ask him for help, even if he hated me. Maybe, I thought, we could begin a fresh new friendship for Hermoine's sake. "Aye Potter!" I yelled. "Malfoy?! What are you doing here? Are you the new intern I asked for?" "Of course not, Potter. I'm not here for a job at the Ministry, I'm here to tell you about Hermoine." "HERMOINE?!?!?! What have you done to her?" "Woah, woah, Potter, slow down. I ain't got nothing to do with Hermoine, except well... You know." "What?" Potter said, casually.
              "Well, you know how we're dating?" I asked.             He gasped. "So, it is true! The rumors!" "Ummmm, yeah? I guess? Anyways, I was thinking, for Hermoine's sake, that we should, you know, start a friendship, instead of continuing our feud."I said, pulling my hand towards his. "Umm, sure mate, whatever." He said, not sure of what he was saying. "Wait, I don't get it, you ran all this way to the Ministry headquarters to tell me you want to be friends?"
                 "Of course not, mate. I'm here to tell you that Hermoine is in trouble." I started. "And I thinks she might be kidnapped." "WHAT?!?!?!?"

Hi, guys! I know I haven't been posting much, nowadays, but I'm hoping to start again. Thank you for reading Chapter 10 of The Makeover, and I thank you all for still hanging on tight to this novel. I am very thankful of my readers, and, always, if you have any suggestions for me and my novel, please comment. As always, please look at the video I posted on top, vote, and comment about this new chapter! Hope you liked it!

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2017 ⏰

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