What Plan?

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Draco's P.O.V
          Apparating into Hogsmeade, Hermoine and I entertwined our fingers together and strolled on the sidewalks.
          I felt as if I was relaxed. I sure was acting like it, too... I think. Probably. I hope Granger didn't notice how I was creeped out! The truth was, I was so scared! I couldn't stand myself when I was around her!
             "Uhhhhhh, Malfoy? What was our plan? To just walk out here? Cause I don't do anything without coming up with a plan first. What's the plan?" She rambled.
             She couldn't stand my dashing looks! I was so handsome!
              "Well....." I started. I didn't exactly know what to say. A-W-K-W-A-R-D!!!!
                "I was thinking that we could go to the Three Broomsticks, you know. Because, like, a lot of people go there... To fake a date or something... If that's ok with you, I'm not usually good at making up plans, even though I make a plan for almost everything I do.... Following?" Granger explained. Honestly, the only words I could hear through her rambling were, Three Broomsticks, date, and plan. I guess that those were the important words... Right?
                I grabbed her hand, and rushed ourselves into the Three Broomsticks. It was packed! Perfect way to start our plan!
               I was confident in myself, but I felt like I was just.... I couldn't think of the exact word... I always feel this feeling of my face flushing red whenever I see Granger, and that when I'm around her, I try to act brave, but can't.
          OH MY GOD. I'm in love with Granger.
Hermoine' P.O.V.
(This is replaying the moment where their "stunt" takes place. It is just in Hermoine's P.O.V, now. Sorry for the confusion)
          Poof! In an instant, Malfoy and I were walking on the streets of Hogmeade, still in the position where our fingers were entangled together. My heart was beating so loud and fiercely, knowing that, now, we didn't actually have a plan... yet. Malfoy seemed pretty relaxed, but I DEFINETELY WASN'T, because I always followed a plan before I do something. I never just go into action. It was just so... I don't know, silly!
            "Uhhhhhh, Malfoy? What was our plan? To just walk out here? Cause I don't do anything without coming up with a plan first. What's the plan?" I started to ramble.
          I have a serious rambling problem....
         "Well..." Malfoy began to say, seeming to be struggling to start his sentence.
          I guess he didn't come up with a plan. Why do I have to do everything by myself? That ferret!
          "I was thinking that we could go to the Three Broomsticks, you know. Because, like, a lot of people go there... To fake a date or something... If that's ok with you, I'm not usually good at making up plans, even though I make a plan for almost everything I do.... Following?" I said laughing.
Grabbing my hand, in a sudden movement, he led me into the Three Broomsticks, pushing the door open with a hard force. I knew he was just trying to get the attention we needed for the plan to succeed, but his arms... They were just so strong....Stop! Hermoine! What are you thinking?
You know, since the day Malfoy and I went into the beauty parlor, we have been pretty close. I was also starting to experience many, many stutteres in my sentences, not that I wasn't always like that. This was different. I was also experiencing  myself thinking about how stupid I am, sometimes. Maybe...... No. It can't be. But how?
Was I in love with THE Draco Lucius Malfoy?

        Thank you guys for reading the third chapter of The Makeover. So sorry for he long wait. Writer's Block is killing me! So jealous of janeyoo0310 and sgaglani77! Make sure to check out their stories, The World I Never Knew and The Deciders!
        If you have any questions or requests for me, comment about it! I'll try to reply as soon as possible! Try to vote, as well! It would really mean a lot to me! Love ya!

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