The Unexpected Meet

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Draco's POV
Ring! Ring! Ring! I sat up from bed, exhausted and tired. "Hello?" I picked up the muggle phone, that sat next to my Slytherin-colored bed, and exclaimed.
"Hello? Draco? Are you there?" I heard a womanly voice call out to me.
"Yeah, is this Hermoine? What do you want, so early in the morning, from me?! I'm tired and I'm going through a case of fatigue!"
"Ok, well. Yes, I am Hermoine, and I actually didn't know you knew such big words like fatigue, Draco!" She replied, teasingly.
"Yeah, yeah. What do you want from me?!" I replied.
"Jeese! You don't have to be so rude about it! What are you? Grumpy cat, in the morning?!" She screamed in the phone. I guess she was Grumpy Cat in the morning, as well!
"Just tell me what you want already!" I yelled back to her.
"Oh! Right! Ummmm, can you meet me at my house after lunch?" She asked, politely.
"Wow! Didn't know you could be so desperate!" I teased.
"DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY!" I scolded."How dare you say these things towards me! You know how I hate when you say things like that!" Hermoine yelled in the phone. For a second there, I actually thought she was my mother!
"All right! All right! I'll come! After lunch, you say?"
"Yeah, bye!" She says as she quickly hangs up on me. Boy, she was being annoying and moody today!
Hermoine's POV
          Ding dong! Well, that was odd! I would've thought he would apparated here!
          I thought to myself while I stood up from my seat and stuffed my face full of eggs, which I had not finished eating for my brunch.
         Making sure it was Draco himself, I asked,"Who is it?" I heard no answer, so I opened the door to see two tall men standing before me. Before I knew it, I was being tossed onto someone's back, in a bag.
           Little did I know that, this was the point that changed my life forever...

Cliffhanger! This chapter was obviously WAY shorter than the others, so I am so SORRY. I was not born to be a writer😭😂 I am so inexperienced. Hope you liked it, even if it is one of my shortest chapters ever! As "always," (RIP SNAPE) vote and comment some ideas for the story! Also, you can add questions for me in the comments, if you do have any! Again, I am so sorry and disappointed in myself for writing such a short chapter! Hope you guys will keep reading on, though! Thank you so much! Love you potterheads!

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