The Worst of Total Drama (seasons 1-6)

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Welcome to the first part of this blog, I'm Rainy Days and I'm here to talk about the worst characters in Total Drama!

So here comes my list.

10. Beardo: This guy wasn't bad... was just pointless. All the beat-boxing thing was a weird mix of Harold and B. The look, awful. The development, non-existent. The most forgettable from the list but 1.

9. Sam: I don't know about this dude. He kinda looks nice but... I just don't like him. Just as Stacy he was a useless character, with a lot of potential (as we saw in the models episode, I don't remember the title) but not development at all! And the reason because I don't like him... is All Stars! I mean, in Revenge was a nice character, with a lot of effort, kindness and stuff... but in All Stars he is just a heavy bag for the team! I mean, I know he served like a human-shield (and I'm talking about you, Courtney), but he made the team loose a lot of times also! And about Dakota and stuff... well, that relationship wouldn't happen in real life. You know that, I know that, Everybody knows that... but the writers.

8. Beth: Ugh, this girl. In Island was okay, and by "okay" I mean that she didn't have many screen time... But Action... Action ruined everything. Took her from the dust, took her brackets out, gave her a cute boyfriend... AND MADE HER BE THE SECOND WINNER! For real, are you kidding me? I know that girl was kinda nice and stuff but... Winner? Not at all!

7. Stacy: And my great great great great great...

Mike: Yeah, great.

Me: Can anybody shut her or something? Thanks!

Do I have to explain anything else?

6. Justin: Okay. First of all, he didn't said a word in a whole season! Okay, I can live with that (I'm a fan of B), but in Action, they took that character and turn it to trash, trying to be a villain, trying to win the million and Courtney... but failing at both, thanks to Duncan. He's a good character, but I think it's a dumb version of Alejandro. All the charisma, the manipulative stuff, the charms... and intelligence is in Alejandro. Justin can get the ladies (and Owen), Alejandro can gets everyone he wants to. And that's the huge difference between them.

5. Courtney: At the beginning I thought she was nice and cute. But then, she showed me that she can be a bad girl also, and I loved that. In Action... when she came back she started with all the "I'll call my lawyers" stuff and getting advantage of everybody else... not cool. In World Tour... she was a flirty... I don't get why she started crying about the Gwuncan thing when... well, she was doing the same with Alejandro. And All Stars... I don't know how they called her a "hero" in the first place. I mean, she used Sam as a shield, she lied to Scott and Gwen, messing up the relation ships with both... and with Duncan. And that's why she is here!

4. Leonard: Another useless guy Pahkitew Island brought, for real I just can't get why they've even create them. I knew about Pahkitew Island on Total Drama Wikia, and when I saw this guy, I was like: "Are you kidding me? What kind of magician/freak wanna be is this?"

3. Owen: Owen is the grossest and most pathetic character I've seen in my whole life! I mean, he won Island only because most of the challenges were about eating trash. He hasn't got material to be winner at all, and I just can't get why he has too many fans. Yeah, he's funny... sometimes, but is not as hilarious as other characters, like Noah, for example. He always make his teams loose, and this is why he is here!

2. Sugar: Sugar? No, please, no! The looks, horrible. The ego, too big... just as her by herself. Even if I didn't like Ella, she was really bad with her, taking her to elimination without any reason but: "Argh, she can't stop singing! So annoying!", I know, I understand that but, you are even more annoying than her so... Yep, not cool. Some characters of Pahkitew are really nice, they just need better development, but she... she's a bad character, and the only reason because I didn't put her on the first place, was because I needed a place for the worst character EVER.

1. Max: I don't even know why is this guy in Total Drama. Is pretty useless, and his ego is bigger than Scarlett's bun, even if he doesn't have any reason to be so proud of himself. I mean, the whole season he based his "evil plans" on Scarlett's ideas and without giving any credit to her, insulting her and calling her an "assistant" when the true is... that he was the perfect mask to hide Scarlett's true personality to the best opportunity to rule the island, so basically, he was like a useless child, wanna be villain.

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