OC tag!

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Okay, I just stole this tag from fellaway's blog so let's do it before she finds out! 

First of all, I'll say that my OC is not in total drama style, but it's an original Character from my story El Secreto de Giselle (The secret of Giselle, which I'm going to translate soon!). 

Without any more interrumptions, let's begin! 


-I'm... *takes a deep breath* YOUR FATHER!

-My OC's name is Ethan! :D 


-Well... I'm from Uruguay. A small country between Argentina and Brazil (NOT PARAGUAY). 

-Ethan is Canadian, from a small village in Vancouver's countryside called Smalltown (yep, I'm really creative with names) 


-Mine's on 18th of March

-I didn't create a birthday for Ethan because I don't celebrate birthdays and therefore my characters neighter D:< (I even passed through Christmas in my story without even saying it lol) 


-I'm close to sixteen.

-Ethan is close to eighteen. 


-I'm rarely impulsive, I get angry, excited or sad easily, I'm a little curious and way too confident with people. I don't like to be in big groups of people, so I often try to avoid that. People say I'm intelligent and mature but I never found myself so. I'm emphatic to friend's feelings making me get even sadder when something happens to them than if something happenned to me.

-Ethan is an introvert as I am. He's not really impulsive, he thinks a lot but he doesn't do or say much. He's not shy, he likes to listen instead of talking because he can find more information about his surroundings and the people who he's talking with. He's a loner, because he doesn't want to make people sad once he leaves Smalltown. He sees people as a way to achieve his own goals. Could seem like a villain, but he's not, he's just a little bit different. 


-I always choose jeans, even though I like skirts I don't like them too short. On the top I always wear t-shirts with some kind of logo. 

-Ethan is always wearing hoodies, even in summer. He has also a scarf and a bennie that Aurora (his crush/best friend) gave to him. 

Favourite Activities: 

-Well, I like writing (a lot), singing, dancing, handcrafting and editing images (I made my own covers and I do covers as comissions too) 

-Ethan likes to investigate, he loves mistery novels (you know, Arthur Connan, Agatha Christie, even Jules Verne) and psych books. He's also a writer, at the moment he's working on his firt novel. He also stays a lot of days at Aurora's house and reads for her to sleep (friendzone). 


-I have two brothers and I'm the youngest since they both are on their twenties. 

-Ethan is an only child. 


-Well, I can't complain, I have a great family on my father side, with an aunt that I feel like my second mother. I suffered of bullying as a child so I became a little loner though. Yet I remember my childhood as a really nice one thanks to my family (with some bitter moments, and really bitter ones, but still sweet). 

-I didn't work on Ethan's childhood (because it's not important for the novel) but I can say that his father moved to Boston after getting divorced and left him with his mother. 


-Short dark brown curly hair, I only use ponytails at home because I don't like the way my face looks with a ponytail, brown eyes, pale skin (I get a little bit tanned in summer though)... 

-Ethan's hair is dark, a little spiked in the front. His eyes are brown but darker than mine. He's skin is tanner than mine (he's not pale). 

And that's it! I won't tag anybody but if you want to use it, go ahead! And link me, I'd like to read! :D

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