Cartoon TAG!

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1. First cartoon you watched in your life. 

Backyardingans maybe? At least what I can remember. 

2. Current favourite cartoon. 

Total Drama was the last cartoon I saw so... Total Drama it is! :D 

3. Favourite male character. 

From Total Drama I say Noah... or maybe Chris... Yeah, it's Chris :D 

4. Favourite female character. 

Well, a few years ago I would say Gwen, but World Tour made me change to Sierra. I know I put her a little low in my top list, but I don't like Commando Zoey and Scarlett as much as Sierra. Sierra and Izzy are my favourites from Total Drama and for anime I'll go with Yui from K-On! 

5. Cartoon you don't like. 

I don't like Clone High. I found it kind of annoying and boring instead of funny.

6. Cartoon you want to see but you haven't yet.

I'm planning to end with sixteen. But I know I won't lol. 

7. Cartoon Crush. 

Well, I have a lot since I get in love way to easily lol... I can say Noah, Trent, Manitoba, Mal (I don't like Mal as much as a character, but his hair is so well done!) and Prince Zuko from The Last Airbender (the serie, NOT THE FILM). One thing that happens to me with Total Drama is that they draw guys not so good looking if we compare to the way they draw girls, so my "crushes" of Total Drama are basically from personality more than phisical attraction. 

8. Favourite ship. 

Gwent \*-*/ I also love Coderra but Gwent is my everything. 

9. Favourite villain. 

Heather the Queen Bee <3 

10. Favourite funny scene. 

All scenes with Sierra, Noah and Izzy are hilarious but my favourite was when Sierra was writing a tweet with her pizza-box computer, that was awesome! 

11. Favourite sad scene. 

When Trent leaves in season 1 and Gwen goes to say goodbye, that was so sad and heart-warming!

12. Favourite shocking scene. 

I don't know if it qualifies as "sad" but I love the scene when Courtney finds out that Duncan kissed Gwen, she's like sooo mad xD "How could you? I thought we were friend-ish! I hate you, I HATE YOUUUUU!" and then the slap xD Dude, that slap was gorgeous! 

13. Character you look like the most. 

I look like if Courtney had curly hair. A little less tanned than her, but pretty accurate. I also dress like her the most (ya know, jeans and sweater with a shirt under, looking as preppy as possible). Even though I don't like her, I like her nerdy style. 

14. Cartoon that you ever get tired of seeing. 

Looney toons! :D I'd say Total Drama, but Looney Toons and Tom & Jerry are also my faves!

15. Favourite pet/animal.

Tom from Tom and Jerry of course! 

16. Cartoon with the best quality of animation. 

The Last Airbender. The effects are just AWESOME! 

17. Favourite Irrelevant character. 

B ma boy! This guy is pure awesomeness!

18. Character you don't like. 

There are soooo many hahahaha but I'll go with Sugar and Max. 

19. Favourite crazy character. 


20. Favourite main character. 

Gwen :3 

21. The strongest character. 

SIERRA! Did you see how she pulled not one but TWO BOATS (with Owen) only with HER TEETH!?

22. The loveliest/cutest character. 

Dawn and Zoey, both are pure cuteness!

23. The most beautiful character. 

I can't decide between Heather or Dawn, and they're the opposite concep of "beautiful". 

24. Favourite power/skill.  

I think that Sierra's strenght, Izzy's craziness, Noah's intelligence and B's hability to create stuff!

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