#LoveMe Challenge

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1. Why are you doing this challenge? 

I don't know, I just felt like it. 

2. A positive word that describes you. 

Imaginative, I'm always creating things in my mind. 

3. A note to the past you. 

Don't be too hard with yourself. If you don't like yourself, no one will. Please, try to be more openned to people, they'll sure like you because I do.  I love you so much and I hope you to be happy. 

4. A note to the future you. 

Please, don't do things just because other people tells you to do that. Be emphatic and kind, but don't let anybody make you feel weak. Also, don't be too hard with yourself, I'm sure you'll do things right. Sometimes you just got to wait and relax. 

5. An object that is yours and you love. 

My computer. I just can't live without it. I has all my texts, my music, the images I edit. Everything. 

6. A quote about beauty. 

I don't know. 

7. A fear you overcome. 

The fear to fail. As a child I always been really affraid of failing, so I always cried when my grades weren't that good. I think that now I overcome that. 

8. Something you like about yourself. 

I like the way I am to my friends, I always tell them the truth (for good or for bad), I try to listen them, help them when they're in trouble and forgive them if they made a mistake. 

9. Something that makes you beautiful. 

I always loved my eyes, they are big, innocent, and they shine a lot. 

10. Something you love to wear. 

Well... my cat neck-lace, my muffin socks, my foxes socks (I'm wearing them now lol), my cat footprints socks. I love childish sicks, they're my life. 

11. What makes you unique.

My imagination. Not too many people has the chance to see it. But I see it, everytime and I'm happy about the things I create in my mind. 

12. What makes you happy

It makes me happy to see my family and friends happy. Also, I enjoy watching nature, like birds in a tree, my cat playing, the sound of the birds or the rain, the wet grass. All those little things fill my soul. 

13. What makes you laugh. 

Watching my cat plaing. Since we adopt him, he has been my personal comediant. I love watching all the things he does from destroying things to play with me or even when he's sleeping. 

14. What makes you feel beautiful. 

I rarely feel beautiful because I don't have a high self steem. But I really feel a little better with some make up on my lips, whatever it is, could be lip balm, lip gloss, or lipstick, but I always feel a little bit better with that. 

I won't do the tagging, but you can do it if you like :D

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