Hey, I Can't Help it if You're Boy Crazy!

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The next morning, I awake feeling content. Looking around, I discover Cedric's roommates are passed out around the room. Robert made it to his bed, and his feet are hanging off the side. Trevor and the guy whose name I don't remember are draped across the foot of a bed. There's still a touch of firewhiskey left in the bottle, which lies in Bradley's lap.

Cedric is awake, reading a book. One arm holds the book, and the other is firmly around me. He turns the page with a finger.

"Morning." I whisper, glancing up at Cedric.

He smiles down at me. "Good morning. How'd you sleep?"

I shrug. "How did you sleep? Better than this lot, I hope."

Cedric leans forward, peering around the bedpost. He grins at the sight of his roommates. "They make me laugh." He says. "They're a lot like your friend Johnson. Crazy at parties, but they always have my back."

I glance from the boys passed out around the room to Cedric. I can see Ange in them, a little. Only their drunkenness. She's a lot more loyal than they are. While Angelina is horny, she is not that horny.

Cedric kisses me on the cheek, and then climbs out of bed. "Fancy some breakfast?"

"I'll need to get dressed." I tell him. "Can I meet you in the Great Hall?"

He nods, pulling me in for a kiss. I stand on my tiptoes to reach his lips, savoring his touch. Cedric backs out somewhat quickly. "I should walk you to the door."

I shrug. "No problem." I tell him, throwing my arms up in the air and grinning mischievously at him. "Disillusion me!"

Cedric chuckles, rummaging around in his bed for his wand. He grabs it, and casts a Disillusionment Charm on me.

Now invisible, I plant a kiss on Cedric's cheek. He blushes, trying to kiss me. But I laugh shrilly, and saunter out of the dorm.

The Hufflepuffs don't notice the door to Cedric's dorm opening. They also don't notice someone walking through their cozy common room. In the corner, I spy Zacharias Smith reading a book. His nose is stuck up in the air like he's too good to sit in the common room. As I walk past, I pull the chair out from under him. There aren't many people in the common room, but the ones there laugh at Zacharias.

I make my way back to the common room, tripping every student that I find annoying. In the hallways, people are gossiping about the Tournament.

"The Warringtons put their names in this morning." A young Slytherin student tells her young Hufflepuff friend.

The Hufflepuff smiles. He's a round faced boy, with rosy cheeks. I wonder if Michelle knows who these two are. They look to be about her age. "Too bad Cedric's going to get chosen."

My cheeks flush. This boy obviously likes Cedric. How did I manage to get the kindest boy in the school to date me?

The Slytherin girl laughs, playfully pushing her friend away. "You wish."

The Warringtons, that's Cassius and Camille. They're twins like Fred and George. Cassius is a bit of an ass, but Camille isn't so bad. She keeps Cassius in line for the most part, anyway.

Aria Black and the Triwizard TournamentWhere stories live. Discover now