Apparently, She was Some Sort of Sex Goddess

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We leave for Hogwarts two days later. Sirius bids us a distant farewell at the cottage, and then Remus apparates us to Joan's pub. She gives us a car driver, who talks way too much.

By the time we are at the train station, I am ready to claw my eyes out. Remus is the only one to thank the driver, whose life story I am now well acquainted with. Nick follows behind me, still embarrassed about his slip.

I feel my mother's diary burning a hole in my suitcase as we enter Platform 9 3/4. It wouldn't be right for me to take it... I didn't know her. I didn't love her. For me, the diary would be educational, a connection to the mother I never knew. For Remus, the diary is a memorial of his sister. I can't take that away from him.

"Wait." I say, pulling off to the side. Remus and Nick follow me.

I open my suitcase and take out the diary. "Here." I tell Remus. "This belongs to you."

He shakes his head. "No. Lyall... he gave it to you."

"She was your sister." I say. "I didn't know her. We'll switch books when I get back from school."

Remus stares at me, choking back tears. He knows I won't take it back now. He knows that I'm right. Pulling me into a hug, Remus kisses me on the cheek. "I love you, Ariana."

I bury my head in his shoulder. He said it first. He said that he loves me. "I love you too." I'm not a woman of few words, but any others escape me. Remus tells Nick goodbye as well, thanking him for the laughs. Nick shakes his hand awkwardly.

The train whistle blows, so I tell Remus goodbyes one more time. Nick and I board the train, and soon enough it is racing down the tracks.

"Let's go find Fred, George, Lee, and my compartment." I say dryly.

My chest is tight with annoyance. I won't see Remus for another three months. How do the other students do this? I miss him already...

Nick nods. "Hey... wait." He adds, stopping in the narrow hallways and lowering his voice. "I don't want to tell anyone... yet. About the sibling thing."


My cheeks burn, but I try not to let it show. Is he ashamed of me? Does he not want to be legally forever tied to me? Maybe he doesn't want people here to know. Not everyone likes me, and I did get beat up last year.  This sucks.

We reach the compartment, and push open the door. Fred and George are inside, sitting cross legged on the floor. Angelina lies on one side, lazily flipping through a Muggle magazine. Lee sits up straight, peering out the window in thought, Ella across his lap.

"Hey." Nick says. "Why're you lot on the floor?"

Angelina is smirking. Her head is not facing me, but I can see her cocky expression clearly in my mind. "Funny story."

George lifts himself off the ground. "Not exactly. Angie here was a bit insistent that she get that entire seat. Things got violent."

"Hopefully you won't make us sit by Fred and George." I say. It's meant as a joke... but the tone that comes out as sarcastic. Everyone stares at me... oops. George fakes a smile, while his brother looks away. Damn.

Ange, watching me with a puzzled expression, sweeps her feet off the seat, allowing Nick and I to sit beside her.

"How was your Spring Break?" I ask the group as a whole, trying to cheer up my voice.

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