Not All of Us Can Get Seats in the Top Box

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The Second Task takes place in the Black Lake at 9:30 a.m.. Nick and I make it to the stands at precisely 9:28, thanks to the large clock above the judges' table. The stands overlook the Black Lake, and go very high up. Since we have arrived late, Nick and I have to climb up top.

"This is where I sat for the World Cup." He says. "Top row."

I smirk. "Serves you right for cheering for Bulgaria."

He rolls his eyes. "Not all of us can get seats in the top box."

"It's alright." I tell him. "When you come to live with Remus and I, we'll turn you into an Irish fan." He doesn't speak, but I can see the blush in his cheeks out of the corner of my eye.

I focus on the champions. Fleur, Cedric, and Krum are gathered around the judges' table. Where is Potter? Probably choked and didn't come... now Remus won't have to worry about his safety.

Fleur is glancing around worriedly. Before we left, she realized that her sister Gabrielle was missing. Marie convinced Fleur to go to the Second Task anyway, with Sophie promising to look for Gabrielle. I take it that they didn't find her.

Cedric, his beautiful face contorted in concentration, stares at the water. I wonder how he's going to breathe underwater. A charm like Fleur's? An herb, maybe? A snorkel?

Harry speeds up to the table, sweating through his t-shirt. Some of the judges talk to him, and then the champions spread out, looking over the dark water.

Ludo Bagman clears his throat, his wand magically amplifying his voice like it did at the Wold Cup. "Well, all our champions are ready for the second task, which will start on my whistle. They have precisely an hour to recover what has been taken from them. On the count of three, then. One... two ...three!"

The whistle blows. Cedric and Fleur raise their wands and utter what seems to be the same incantation. A bubble forms over each of their heads, and they jump into the water at the same time. Krum is struggling with his spell. I blink and he's transformed into a shark. His head is a shark's head, but his legs are still human. Did he do that on purpose? Harry has taken his socks and shoes off and is shoving a green thing into his mouth.

Once the champions are all in the water, Bagman clears his throat again. "The champions' have each lost someone special to them. Viktor Krum's girlfriend Hermione Granger awaits him in the Lake. Fleur Delacour is missing her little sister, Gabrielle. Cho Chang, girlfriend of Cedric Diggory has been taken, as well as Harry Potter's best friend Ron Weasley."

Ron's been taken? The twins must be freaking out.

I turn to Nick. "I have to go find the twins."

He nods. "Alright. I think I saw them down on the left side."

We head down the stairs and find the twins sitting on the lower left side of the stands. They're looking at the Black Lake hopelessly. Ginny sits beside George, holding his hand. Next to Fred is Lee, who looks from Fred to George like he's not sure they're breathing.

"Fred... George..." I say. "It's going to be alright."

Fred's chuckle is dry, devoid of all emotion, which instead conveys all the emotion it needs to. "Harry will get him back."

"Yeah..." I say. "He will."

George watches me intently, nodding as I do. Ginny gulps back tears, forcing herself to nod like George and I.

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