Get a Broom Cupboard and a Sexy Man to Snog

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I wake up the next morning, still feeling the remnant of tears on my face. Ella is snoring softly, and I find myself feeling glad that she does not know that about the breakup. I love her, I really do, but the girl is a massive gossip. Gossip at Hogwarts is bad enough without Ella knowing.

I stumble out of bed and into the bathroom, vowing to keep my head up today. This day is just like any other. I shower and brush my teeth, thinking about Cedric. How pathetic is it that he broke up with me, and here I am thinking of him? What else can I think about....? Ooh, I should mention something to Harry about the event Sunday in the common room at one o'clock a.m.. Maybe Remus will show. We could talk face to face, like I keep wishing. I should send Remus a letter today, to tell him about Cedric. He would want to know about it, and he's probably extremely bored. I cannot believe that he is letting Sirius stay with him. That is so dangerous.

My mascara must have ran last night when I was crying. It is all over my face, making me look like the grim reaper. I wash it off with the warm shower water, trying to relax. This day is just like any other. Angelina walks into the bathroom as I'm changing into my school uniform.

She sticks her toothbrush in her mouth, throwing her hair into a messy bun. "How are you?" She asks, putting her makeup on.

I shrug, standing on my tiptoes so I can see over her and put my mascara on. Ange notices this and scoots over so we can both see. "I'm okay, I guess."

"The best revenge is to be happy." She says matter of factly.

"Yeah..." I say. "Yeah, you're right. I'm gonna be great today: confident, happy...." I trail off. "How do you do it? Be confident, I mean."

Angelina turns to me. "Look into the mirror, smile. Tell yourself this: I am a strong, confident, amazing woman. I am beautiful and smart and I can do this."

I nod, turning to the mirror. I am a strong, confident, amazing woman. I am beautiful and smart, and I can do this.

"It helps if you say it out loud." Ange suggests.

I repeat the phrase, out loud this time. I grin, striking a pose in a mirror. He can break up with me if he wants, but he's missing out.

"Alright good." Angelina says. "Want me to do your hair?"

I nod, and she takes out the curling iron. She curls my hair into delicate ringlets. Since it's a school day, I have to wear my uniform but I still look great. Angelina casts a sticking spell on it so that it will stay curled throughout the day.

"Thanks Ange." I tell her, smiling.

She fluffs up my hair, and then pulls me into a hug. "Remember," she whispers. "Confidence. Do you need me to write those words in your hand?"

I shake my head, mostly because people would notice the words and think that I'm not doing good. She finishes getting ready and the two of us walk downstairs to breakfast.

I sit with Angelina, vowing to sit with Nick at lunch or dinner. We are chatting about our classes for the day. I've got a difficult day, with Cedric in all of my classes. Angelina is only in one: Charms. I'll have to endure DADA, Transfiguration and Herbology without my best friend.

Defense Against the Dark Arts is first. Moody is as dark as ever, and I still shudder when he walks by. Ever since he cast the Imperius curse on us in class, I've been afraid of his control.

I sit down by Lee in DADA. He doesn't realize something is up until he sees Cedric across the room, with no one sitting in the seat next to him. Trevor and Robert are sitting at the table behind him.

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