Vampires, They Really Do Know Their Stuff

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Dumbledore doesn't speak as we walk back to the castle. I'm wondering if perhaps he's going to just let it go. I want to ask about Eleazar, but that would be like admitting my involvement with him.

We go up to his office, where a group of teachers are already assembled. Snape paces back and forth menacingly, preparing for my expulsion. Moody stands against the wall, stroking the top of his wooden cane with his thumb. Professor McGonagall is staring off into space, but juts back to focus when I come in. I am nearly tackled by Professor Sinistra, who engulfs me in a hug. Over her shoulder I see Eleazar, seated in the corner with chains around his wrists. His eyes are full of sadness, and he merely shakes his head.

"Sugar, what happened? Did they hurt you?" Professor Sinistra asks, rubbing my back soothingly.

I shake my head.

"Then where did all of this blood come from?" She presses, staring at me sympathetically. "Don't you dare lie to me, Aria Black."

But I do. "It's Kylie's." I say, my eyes on Eleazar. He doesn't meet my gaze, instead focused on the floor. "I tried to stop her bleeding and wiped my hands on my shirt."

"How was she able to regain her strength?" Professor McGonagall asks.

I swallow. "A blood replenishing charm." Telling them the truth might jeopardize the fairy. Who knows if she is supposed to be there or not.

Snape sweeps by me, his hawk-like eyes ready to strike. "No sixth year knows how to perform a blood replenishing charm. Tell the truth."

I take a cautious step back. The centaurs were confrontational too. Snape and them would get right along, all plotting my demise. "Remus taught it to me this summer for first aid reasons. He's always worrying about my safety. I tried to master it, because Professor McGonagall said that I could become a Healer."

"Not with your grades." Snape sneers, retreating to the corner.

I move towards Eleazar. He shrinks down in his seat. "Professor Dumbledore, are you really going to send him away?"

"I'm afraid I must." Dumbledore says. "He is a danger to the students of Hogwarts."

Yeah, I think, so are the centaurs. Why should Eleazar have to leave and not them?

"Could you give us a moment alone?" I ask Dumbledore. "So I can say my goodbyes?"

Snape, Moody, and McGonagall all say 'no' at the same time Professor Sinistra says 'yes'. Dumbledore clears out the room, telling me that I get five minutes.

I run to Eleazar's side, burying my head into his shoulder. "Oh my god, you can't leave! This isn't fair! I won't let them take you!"

He pulls me back to face him. "I must go, I'm afraid. If I go back to the forest, you'll just come and find me again. It's too dangerous for you, my dear, and I cannot endanger you anymore. And besides, someone with AB blood was bound to come into the forest at some point in time. I was irresponsible to stay here."

My tears drip onto his dark robes as I sink my head down again. "But-but it's the centaurs' fault! Why can't they leave?"

"One vampire is much easier to move then fifty centaurs." He says softly. "It's alright, my dear. I should have moved on from this place a long time ago. I daresay it's time I see the world, don't you think?"

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