Slutty Angelina Johnson

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I find out what the dress robes from Remus are for at the beginning of December. During one torturous Charms lesson, Flitwick explains the concept of the Yule Ball, a formal dance held on Christmas Eve. He says that it was designed as a fun event to help with international cooperation, but all it is to me is a gigantic headache.

The pressure to find dates is very high in everyone's minds. Many girls are pulling up their skirts in order to show off more of their legs. Many guys are walking everywhere with their chests puffed out, and acting more like douchebags every day.

Angelina throws herself into party planning, scheduling Nick's party two weekends before the Yule Ball.

The night before the party, Angelina and I sit in the common room with Alicia, going over the guest list.

"I'm not sure if Garrick Robinson should be invited." Angelina says. "Remember how Ashlee Green broke up with him? He was pretty disappointed, and I don't want any fighting between the two tomorrow night."

I take the list from her, folding it up nicely and throwing it into the fire. Angelina gasps, causing several people in the common room to look at us quizzically. "Ange, we've gone over this list so many times. The guest list is foolproof. And besides, Ashlee is too mature to fight about it."

"Wait, you invited people that aren't gay?" Alicia says. "I thought this party was for Nick to get a date."

"He doesn't know if he's gay or not." I whisper. "The party's got to be fun for all anyway. Sure, we invited known gay and bisexual guys for him, but there are other candidates for ourselves too."

Alicia nods, looking at us oddly. "You two are some of the strangest people I've ever met."

Angelina shrugs, throwing an arm around me jokingly. "You know it!"

In the corner of the common room, the place for trashy make out sessions, a Gryffindor couple is sucking on each other's faces.

"How am I going to get a date?" I wail. "Remus sent me these gorgeous dress robes that I'm sure he paid a lot for, and I don't want them to go to waste."

Angelina folds her arms, staring at me in a firm motherly sort of way. "You do not need a date." She says sharply. "Go by yourself, be single, and enjoy!"

"But you two will have dates!" I say. "And so will Nick, and I don't want to be some sort of third wheel."

Alicia chuckles. "I'm not going to get a date, Aria, please."

"Bullshit." Angelina says. "We're all great catches. Anyone that doesn't ask us is out of their minds. Besides, we can ask them too, you know."

"Oi! Angelina!" Someone calls from across the room.

The three of us turn our heads. Fred and George are standing by Harry and his gang of misfits. It was Fred that called out, and he's looking very confident in this moment.

Ange rolls her eyes. "What, Fred?" She calls across the room, raising her eyebrows. She knows what he's about to say, but she's checking to see if he's got the balls. I've got to hand it to Angelina, she knows how to get a guy's attention.

To my surprise, Fred goes with the flow. "Want to come to the ball with me?"

Angelina pretends to think for a moment, but she can't keep a small grin off of her face. "All right then." She says, shrugging.

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