My Misogynistic Boyfriend

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In the common room, I am met with awkward stares. People must have heard about Lyall. Cedric seemed to know about it. How did people find out? No one speaks to me, but I do get some pitiful looks.

Upstairs, my friends are hanging out in my dormitory. The twins sit beside each other at the foot of my bed, each of them eating a Chocolate Frog. Ange is sprawled out across their legs, and has her head in Ella's lap. Ella flips through pictures on her Muggle camera dazedly, while Angelina seems deep in thought. Alicia sits criss cross applesauce on her bunk. Lee is lying on top of my bed on his stomach, finishing up a bit of homework. Kylie is taking a nap in her bunk. The only person missing is Nick. He's probably off somewhere with Kenneth.

I clear my throat, and they look up with shocked expressions on their faces. Everything is frozen for a moment, until I lift my shoulders for a slight shrug. "Er... hi."

Ange sits up off of Ella's lap and climbs off of the twins legs. She stares at me, rooted to the spot, unable to speak.

It's Alicia who runs to my side, arms wide open. "Oh, Aria!" She cries, hugging me tightly. "Professor Sinistra told us... I'm so sorry about your Grandfather."

I put my arms around her timidly. "Thanks." I murmur.

The twins catch my eye, and George gives me a sorrowful look. Fred offers a half-smile. Finally Alicia lets go of me, her soft eyes filled with worry. "Would you like to talk about it?"

I shake my head. "No... it's fine, really. I didn't really know him."

They all stare at me in disbelief. Usually I'm such a mess... why aren't I a mess when I am actually supposed to be? My friends probably think I'm insane. My grandfather died, I can't just be fine.

"So..." I say lightly, plopping down in front of Alicia's bed. Lee is giving me a quizzical look. "What did I miss?"

"Alicia's boy toy is a misogynistic pig." Ange says, a dangerous edge in her voice.

I raise an eyebrow. "Aleksander?" His name tastes like vinegar in my mouth. Not only is he friends with Dimitri, but friends with Nikolai too. Nikolai treated Zara horribly, like she was his property.

Alicia groans, an annoyed expression on her face. "He is not!" She exclaims. "He's not like his friends."

Ange leans forward aggressively, her eyes narrowed. "How can he sit back and watch his dickbag friends treat people like this then? It's only a matter of time before he expects you to be the same way."

"How DARE you!" Alicia shouts. "Leave my relationship to me and my boyfriend. It's none of your damn business!"

"IT IS MY BUSINESS!" Ange cries. "Even if I didn't care about him hurting you, he's still best friends with the guy that hurt Aria. What kind of loyalty is that?"

I stand up and step in between the two of them. "Um, guys. It's-it's really alright with me." Ange takes a threatening step forward. "As long as you're happy Alicia!" I squeak quickly.

"Let's all keep our heads." George says softly. Thanks for the help, pal.

Alicia huffs. "Well, I'm off to do some reading in the library. Maybe it'll be quieter there. Or I could go hang out with my misogynistic boyfriend!" She storms out of the common room, leaving a spitting mad Angelina in her wake.

"What a bitch." Ange says. "Whatever. I'm off to play Exploding Snap in the common room. Anyone care to join me?"

We all shake our heads no, and I am grateful for the twins, Lee, and Ella. Angelina leaves and I whirl around in shock.

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