07-A Lesson In The Extra Deck

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"Asoka, please come up and explain the way to XYZ summon?" Her professor said as Asoka went towards he front board to write. "XYZ summons are when you use two monsters on your field with the same level, overlay them, and draw an XYZ monster with the met requirements."

As Asoka went on explaining with her professor, a kid in the crowd just watched Asoka. His smile was timid and kind. She caught his eye. "Asoka Nakumi... why do you do my heart such.. time to strike while the iron is hot, aha!" He muttered to himself before class ended and the freshman General Summons class dismissed for the day. Asoka went to the card cafe and began to reformat her deck to support more of a variety of monsters, but before she knew it, the barista she befriended, Marisa, brought an envelope.

"Someone dropped this off for you. It ain't the weird courier boy since his writing ain't this bad." Marisa giggled as she gave the envelope to Asoka, who was soon joined by Mike. "Oh boy, who's this from?" Mike said as he sat across from her, Asoka reading as she drank her Frap.

"My heart finds no bounds when I catch your sight. You make me bounce and gleefully joyous-ok I don't wanna read this f***ing s*** anymore" Asoka said holding her stomach sickened.

"I'll read... hmm.. may you meet me at the foyer to reveal my love for  you to all." Mike said holding in laughter.

"If you don't shut up, I'll smack you" Asoka said closing her eyes with a faint look as if steam was fuming from her ears. "No-noted. Ok. But maybe if you confront him, he'll stop!"

"Oh please! He'll grab, kiss, and make some big scene" Asoka said drinking her frap and soon being pestered by Mike and soon sighed. "Fine! Ugh, I will." She groaned and stood. Her extra deck was now at 5, thanks to General Summons teaching her Fusion and Synchro.

As the two walked into the main Atrium, she was relieved to see no one but the casual passer-by's. "Nope, no one here. We're done I guess" Asoka said about to leave before hearing a bow snap, and looking up to only be hit by a suctioncup pink arrow on the head.

"Oh yes! I strike once more! Th arrow if Cupid hits again! Love is in the air~" this freshman said as he leaped from the balcony and approached the silent Asoka. "Milady? May I?"





Asoka stood and brushed herself off. "Nope. Done." She said as the boy whimpered and shot to his feet. "OI! MY ARROWS WORK YA KNOW!!" He said to Asoka showing her hand again. "Oh shut the f*** up."

"No my princess, I want to confness my lo-"


"I said shut the f*** up, yes?" Asoka said as the now red faced boy shouted. "Hey! I will duel for your heart!" He said as Asoka raised an eyebrow.

"Duel for... a date? Really dude?" She scoffed and looked at him. "Why? Dueling is for.... ya know what, to get you off my back, yes. I will." She said arming her deck and seeing Mike sit on the bench beside her, unsure how to cope with such a... weird situation. "Ok, let's do this!"


And in just a turn, Asoka did just the same as the last duel she was in; and dropped Lover boy to 0 life. She shrugged and put her deck back to her belt pocket. "No love. Now get lost" she said as the boy cringed in the floor as the two walk away. "Asoka..."

"What?!" She said as mike stood, asoka's hand outstretched to almost punch Mike in the face. "Eep... well.. I just wondered.. why are you so stubborn about that? Love and such.."

"I don't want love. I came to Duel University to learn Dueling, make friends. I didn't come to make some boy fall for me. So, nuff said mate" Asoka said as she relaxed and Mike chuckled. "I'll duel ya then."

"I use a ritual deck, and I wanna test your knowledge!" Mike said as Asoka looked at him. "I think you, Asoka, should learn how dueling can go! You don't need fusion, synchro, or your beloved XYZ. You can duel without it!"

"Fine... fine then" she said chuckling. "Let's do this.."

"A friendly competition. Good" she said smiling as she Rearmed her disk.


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