Who's this? (2part)

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Trixie's POV

When I was walking down the hall to get to my room, I heard glass hit the floor and shader. It came from my room. I ran to my room and found a rock with a note. It said:

Watch your back.
Your old friend JO.

Knew she was coming. But everyone just says she is messing with my head. But I know that is not true. She is a sikopath.
"Trixie you okay?"
I put the note behind my back and it was Kord.
"Ya fine."
He looks like he was trying to agree with me but failed.
"You sure?"
He walked away. I took a breath of relief. I took out the note again. But why now? She could have done this months ago. I hardly slept, I was always alarmed by my surroundings. All I can hear is her voice in my head echoing 'It ain't over.'
Over and over again.
Eli tried to help by telling me:
If she comes back, we will take her down. I don't want to lose you. Stay strong, like you always had.

I gave him the best smile I can every time he tell me. But every time he tells me the smile becomes smaller and smaller that it became a frown.
When every I get scared that she is coming I go to him for the night. And I feel protected with his arms around me, that I wish I can stay like that forever. But I can't I have to live life with different emotions. But I have always felt safe with him around.
I looked through the window and found nobody outside.
I picked up the rock and opened my window. And thrown the rock out.
I covered the window with my blinds and cleaned up the glass. Then went back to the living room.
I found Pronto looking threw every channel.
Kord and Eli were telling him to hurry up and choose a channel already. I went to my tablet and found a disturbance in one of the caverens. Someone took a video of it a minute ago.
"Hey guys."
They didn't hear me. They were still arguing.
I rolled my eyes with and annoyed sigh.
I hit my fist on the table and said again that everyone can hear me.
"Hey guys!"
This time they looked back at me and became silent. Good.
"I found a disturbance in bulls eye cavern. In one of the bars."
I went to my tablet and to showed then the video. They came closer to see what I am showing.
"That doesn't look good." Said Kord.
"Mmmmhhh." I said.
"Come on gang let's go see what we can do." Said Eli
We went to our mechas and rode to bulls eye cavern.
When we got their we heard blasters going off in the bar. We heard people screaming and a person yelling. When we got closer the person had a mask on. It sounded like a girl.
We made sure she wasn't able to see us and we got ready for an attack but we didn't want to hurt the people. We have to cause a distraction. The people were hiding under the tables and the bar full of fright.
We confronted her from the end of the room which wasn't far. We had our blasters loaded ready to shoot. "Let the people go!" Eli demand.
I heard her scoff. She looked my way and she turned to anger. What's her deal? Her blaster pointed to me and shot a rammstone. I went out of its way and it made a hole on the wall behind me.
The people went running out of the bar screaming and pushing. The girl kept on trying to shot at us. But we blocked her slugs, we didn't want anyone to get hurt.
When everyone was gone it was just us. "Wow. You guys don't remember me?" She asked.
"Who are you and why were you trying to kill me?" I asked with my blaster ready for anything.
"Do you remember JO?" She asked.
I just grinned my teeth remembering her. She is that person that won't leave me alone.
"What about her?" Asked Eli.
The girl took off her mask and it was JO. "Miss me?" She asked Eli. I just growled, stupid jealousy. "What do you want?!" Asked Eli angery.
"You a course." She said.
"Well I don't want you." He said.
"Why not?"
"I already have a person that I care about."
"Who her!?" She said as she pointed to me then put her hand back down. "Yes her." He said getting ready to shoot.
"Fine if that is what you choose." She pulled out a whistle and blower on it. But their was no sound the floor started to rumble. And these creatures appeared. They dark ruby red eyes, black horns and their skin was different shades of gray, their teeth were sharp with their long black tongs. They were speaking in their language sound like a gush of wind. They handed JO a staff and she pointed to us and yelled something in their language. They all scream which sounded like a slamming door. And came tours us. They grabbed my hand and legs which made me to drop my blaster. I tried to fight them off. I scream in annoyment. I kicked and tried to throw punches. When my hand went free I reach for my blaster. A Thresher came flying and knocked down 3 of the monsters down. The other two I was able to fight down single handly.
"Glad you are okay. Can you fight?" Asked Eli.
I loaded my blaster. "You saw me take down two in hand comeback. I am pretty sure I can."
He smiled I gave him a kiss on the cheek and we went to help Pronto and Kord. We helped Pronto free and he shot his Flatulorhinkus which we all cover our noses. It took down about five. Kord was doing fine well he is the strongest one of all of us.
When they were all gone we surrounded JO.
"It's over." Said Eli.
She put her hand up in defeat and we called the cops to take care of the rest. In case so she wasn't able to ascape when they come we shot her with a arachnet and Pronto shot with his Flatulorhinkus.
We rode back to the hideout and finally Pronto found a movie. Eli had his arm around me. "See I told you we will take care of it." He said. I kissed him on the cheek. "You were right." I put my head on his chest and relaxed finally watching the movie.

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