Chapter 13

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"Oh Luc dear? Please show our dear guest to her room," I called out.

"You might want to have a read of our rule book," I smirked giving her a booklet on the nudist beach. I'd have her stripped out of her branded clothing before the day is over. She would do better to steer her attentions away from James and sink her claws into Luc. Luc could use her attentions but James needs only mine. Yes betrayed though I am over his underhanded way of dealing with this I am still too vastly attracted to let him off so easily. . or at least not scot-free

"I know you are up to no good, " the deep voice rumbled out behind me sending a thrill down to my toes.  My body reactions betrayed me everytime.  It didn't seem to matter that he was a ruthless business,  a penny pinching billonnaire who it seemed could not bring himself to lose a property worth compararively a pittance to his others. It'll have to be for this here was millionaires lane not billionaires.

It rankled that he even had that much money. That he had that and could still cook was beyond annoying. I stared back at his gloomy profile with gumption of my own.

"So what if I have anything planned? Does she," I pointed my thumb in the direction Susan disappeared to," mean that much to you?"

"Fuck, I care shit about her. Its you thats tying me in knots," now he glared at me but I didn't mind anymore my mind was stuck on tying him up..yum.

"I wouldn't mind," I say meekly not wanting to frighten him away.

"Mind what?"

"Tying you."


We both breathed heavily.  The air seemed heavy difficult to draw in. I started to pant. He closed in the distance sending my hearth thumping out of control the words spilled out of their own accord, " You can have your bloody house back. I just want you to be my fuck for this month. I want you nude and wanting me and only me."

It took a while for my words to penetrate his lust induced mind. But then it did.

A beautiful grin spread wide across his lips before he said," Done!"

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