Chapter 30

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I beamed up at Raul happy that he was my first after that horrible split with Jim-James. I raised a hand and ran it caressingly down his bristled cheeks.

"So am I your mistress now?" I asked him happily.

"Well we haven't actually agreed on a payment yet," Raul reminded me with a gentle grin.

"After that performance, I really should be paying you," I said simply. I stretched against him feeling ridiculously at ease with him. Even though he was a virtual stranger still. I thought back to Jim-James and the deception he came with then I said firmly, " Mistress or otherwise, I need to know more about you before we indulge in anymore carnal pursuits."

"After that performance," he said repeating my words, "Do you really expect me to keep my hands off you while we get to know each other?"

I only shook my head confused. I was confused. Confused by what it all meant. By what he meant. I just didn't know anymore. I didn't know about Luc, Jim-James, Raul and now, even myself.

Where had it all gone so wrong? I had always been so sure about everything I did. But now, certainty over anything seemed a feat in itself.

"Just leave it to me," Raul said reading the variety of conflicting thoughts tgat flickered accross my face.

"Leave what?"

"Leave all the thinking," Raul said straight faced. I gave a small smile at his tiny joke.

"I'm serious," he said.

"So am I," I widened my grin purposefully.

" Look," he said sighing deliberately. " This payment for fucks business is not as easy as its cut out to be. Sure you get your cash and pleasure to boot but your freedom goes along with it."

"What's the difference," I insisted. "Are you saying if I sleep with you without payment, I am free to do as I please?"

"Hell no!" He stated blankly.

""I am extremely old fashioned," he said seriously." Once I've had you, you're mine."

I stared at him.

"And incase you're wondering," he continued when I remained speechless," the mistress negotiations was supposed to be formalised before the first fuck. Not after. You've missed the boat there."

"Huh?" I said stunned. But he only raised a questioning brow.

"What are you saying?" I asked again this time with words.

"I'm saying you're already mine."

"For how long?" I asked.

"As long as I want. Or as long as we want," he hurriedly corrected on seeing my stormy expression.

I shook my head not surprised. I should have known it was too good to be true. To have fucks like that and get paid for it, was just asking for too much.

"So I am back to square one," I said. "I have to get a job. I can't run this place on my own. Besides I have sort of promised to return it back to Jim-James more than once. Its time I actually did it."

"I agree with you there. I'd like it betterif you broke all ties with your ex." 

"You know you are just the rebound right? I don't want you to get any ideas;" I said to him seriously.

"I know," he said facetiously." But really you cannot hope to prevent my ideas;" he said wiggling his eye brows suggestively.

I only shook my head at him. How did I get into these situations? Couldn't I have been normal with a normal boyfriend? Preferably one nearer my age?

"How old are you again?" I asked mot sure if I'd ask him this before.

"I'm 28 and I know you're 18. But we have one thing in common, I have never had a girlfriend only mistresses," he said seriously.

"For real?" I asked not believing him.

"Yes. You see my father was very rich before he died and passed on that riches to me. He told me at a very young age that I was not made to have girlfriends only mistresses." Raul looked at me. "I should never have slept with you without first making you my mistress but I have and I am glad for it. I think you will make an ideal first girlfriend."

"First? How many are you planning on having?" I asked feeling out of my depths.

"Only one," he assured me. That just sent my heart beat into rapid palpitations.

But I didn't get it. Why me?.I was a mess. And no one really wants me just now. Not anymore. I was still reeling from the breakup with Jim-James and from my own twin deserting me.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked him finally. "I am happy to be your no strings attached bed partner."

I really was. I didn't think I could let him go out of my bed. Nope. He more than belonged.

"Thank you. I appreciate the sentiment. I think I can safely return the compliment. But I just know, call it instinct if you will, that you and I are meant to be. I have seriously never felt such urgent need for anyone."

"But that need is now gone?" I asked him for here we were both naked and talking..just talking.

In answer he took my hand and placed it on his stiring member.

"Oh," I muttered feebly feeling mh own rising lust.

"Yes," he breathed out staring up at the ceiling all the while keeping my hand firmly there. I felt my breathing quicken. He was still a stranger, I reminded myself but like before I didn't really care.

"I really do need a bath," I whispered out breathlessly.

"Soon," he promised. "I now need one too. We'll bathe together... soon."

I nodded my head then turned blindly towards him unable to hold back anymore. He met me half way.

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