Chapter 22

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"Voyeuristic freaks!"

I stared in amazement as the slight framed brunette launched into a tirade of insults before me. I mean at me.

Why was she just targeting me? I was initially the only one ogling them but then Jim-James turned up as did he equally voyeuristic brother.

The deep chuckle behind me wetted my appetite for..revenge.

"Why were you asaulting my poor gay brother with your attentions? Don't you know sticking your tongue down a gays throat is a big no no?" I looked on at her in askance.

"He's gay?"

"Fuck!" A furious Jim bit out beside me before he grabbed my arm to haul my ass out of there.

"Hey-" I called out but was cut off mid-tirade by my brothers' broken," Thanks sis I know I could always count on you to ruin the moment."

I turned swiftly to face Luc's sad face and I realised what an ass I was being. I wrenched at me arm trying to break free of Jim's sold grip but he did not relent. I was hauled sobbing out along a quiet corridor and thrust into a room filled with books. The library.

"You just never know when to stop do you? You think you always know what is best when you clearly don't. He is your brother. Your twin even and you give two hoots about his feelings...of what he must be going through....,"  Jim launched into a tongue lashing that I begun to realise was long overdue.

My sobs if self-pity dried off and I paid attention. For the first time I really listened. I listened till he was finished and then I took off back to the party in search of Luc. I ran almost frantic in my need to see him to make amends. I swiped at my watery eyes ignoring the strange glances I was drawing my way. These people didn't matter. No one did. At that moment there was only one person that mattered. My brother Lucian. And my heart was almost tearing to pieces in sorrow over my own conduct.

I have been such a fool. Such a stupid idiotic fool.

"Are you alright?" called out a vaguely familiar tone of voice. I turned to see the brother of the girl my Luc was making out with earlier.

"I'm looking for Luc. Have you seen him," I asked desperately not caring that I must appear mad to him.

"If you're referring to the young man my sister was kissing earlier then I am sorry but I must disappoint you. They have both just left. I don't know where yet buy I soon will for my chauffeur has driven them," he said soothingly.

I beamed up a watery smile greatful to have some lead. I looked down at the phone in my clutches no longer so worried over Luc's not anwering his phone.

"Thank you," I said gratefully.

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