Chapter 31

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I shifted uncomfortably trying to pull my tight skirt a little lower. It hadn't been as tight when I first bought it but after these past few stressful weeks in which Raul's lawyers safely handled the transfer of the house back to Jim-James and my endless consumption of comfort foods It was no wonder I was bursting out at the seems. If it hadn't been for all that comfort sex, I surely would have been.

I heaved in a deep breath and tried to suck my gut in. It was just a cursory interview. No sweat. I reminded myself yet again of Raul's parting words. The job was as good as mine. I was desperately in need of it. Having all but given the house away I was out of blunt. No dough whatsoever. I fumbled in my purse and pulled out my lip stick then I proceeded to smear on a good dollop. It was already fire engine red but I needed something to do. All this waiting was driving on my nerves. And my overly tight clothes wasn't helping. I was sure I would be breaking out of my clothing, popping buttons snd seems if I had to wait any longer.

"You may go in now."

I glanced about around me and saw that the receptionist must have been talking to me. I clenched my ass muscles and sucked my gut in tighter before I stiffly rose to my feet. Then continuing to hold on to both parts of my anatomy I walked stiffly towards the expensive mahogany door before me.

I knocked politely before letting myself in.

What I saw had me huffing out my breath and bursting my seems at the same time.

"Raul! You ass!"  I exclaimed in a great groan of relief.

But he merely quirked a brow with a sly smirk. "Were you expecting someone else?"

I snarled before stalking towards his desk. "This is you?" I waved a sweeping hand around the modern office. "You could have told me the job was with you."

"And what difference would that have made?"  He enquired seriously not quite understanding.

I stared at him incredulously. "Well for one I wouldn't have been sweating my self silly out there shitting bricks over this interview. But mostly I wouldn't have tried stuffing myself into this skirt."

"It is a bit tight," he smirked appreciatively. "That blouse looks tight too. Maybe I should help you take it off?"

I gave him the glare he deserved for that.

"This is too much, Raul. You got rid of my house and moved me in with you and now you want me to work with you too?" Wasn't that a bit much. Staring at his handsome and to die for face I wasn't really sure. It had all been so sudden. It had seemed almost as if overnight he had managed to draw up the contract for to sign that would terminate any ownership I had over that bloody house and his lawyers had done the dirty deed and sent it on impersonal like to Jim-James.

I had been left to clean up and most importantly pack up and move in with Raul. Of my idiotic brother dear I have heard nothing. But Raul assured me he had them under surveillance and knew what they were about. That it was tonight that I would finally be seeing him again. I couldn't help the excitement that thought created. So much has happened since I  decided to put my trust as well as my body in Raul's capable hands.

"What wrong with my wanting to be close to you?  You know I miss you sorely when we are apart," he said mock plaintiffly.

I shook my head disparagingly. "And you know I always make it a point to rub that soreness away. There is no real need for me to be with you day in day out," I said pointedly complete with innuendos.

"Hmm... I do love it when you kiss it better. This arrangement should alter nothing in that regard. But it will simply add to the pleasure I get from your company. This way I will get the opportunity to kiss you in my office or better yet, fuck you." Raul smirked up at me confidently.

I held back my chuckles at that. Lifting my hand I brushed my thumb against his lips and leaning in closer to him I said, "Watch your words Raul I might just take you up on it." I boldly flicked my tongue out and across his lips before straightening and slipping laughingly out of his reach.

Raul and I have been good together. The only shadow had been my abysmal brother and my endless worries over him.  But all that will change tonight. My heart thudded painfully in my chest. The anticipation of what was to come was nerve racking sending spasms of fear into the pit of my stomach.

Raul ran a soothing hand down my frame. I drew in closer to his confident frame. He seemed indifferent. Unaffected by what we would be soon facing. But I knew better. Having spent just about every waking hour and all sleeping hours in between for the past week gave me a lot of insight into the real Raul. He kept nothing from me. His openness was refreshing. It did however make me doubt my own.

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