Chapter 1

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I can't say for sure what made me beeline it to this particular club on this particular day, but whatever it happened to be, I tip my hat to it. Now, I must admit that I do rather like this club. Its music is my kind of music, with beats so loud it feels like your insides are exploding, being tossed in a giant drum as they constantly erupt. But it's the heart especially. My heart always feels engulfed, like the music replaced the boring old heartbeat and cranked it up big time. I admit it often feels like my heart is going to explode out my chest and I will pass on the dance floor, but I don't really mind either. Today's music was especially amazing, my heart feeling like too soft jelly as the music shook it viciously. I don't know what I was doing, because my mind felt a little to disorganized from all the booze I happened to down before taking the floor, but it made me feel the best. Well, I do know what brought me here. It's the same reason I come here every other night; I hate my job. 

Now, you may be wondering, "Every other night??" if that is indeed what you are wondering, then you have a good head on your shoulders. I happen to have the funds available to party about four to five times a week, depending on how empty I feel on Monday. If you're wondering why I'm escaping my reality by partying my sorrows away, then that's fair too. I happen to be an aerospace engineer. I graduated with a degree in Aerospace Engineering, from Seoul National University  with a minor in Mathematics. I know what you're thinking. "Isn't she a smart one!" Well, yes, I am smart, but I apparently lack common sense so severely, I chose a major I knew I would never enjoy. I like mathematics, but I'd rather work with trees and animals than work with satellites and spaceships. Also, that's where the funds for partying come from. If you thought I had several sugar daddies, then no cookie for you.

Now, back to our little story. I had 'thrown my ass in a circle' from eleven-thirty to about three, non-stop, and I decided that it was time for me to rest said booty. Tired, I made my way to the bar. There weren't as many people there as I had expected. Everyone was partying like tomorrow wasn't a definite existence. Maybe for a few of them, tomorrow really wouldn't come, who knows. So, I made my way to the bar, and before I could order a drink, a handsome young gentleman leaned against the counter. I counted to three (to calm myself of course) before I could turn my head, with the healthiest smile I could put forth on my face. "Hello there. You're quite the dancer." He complimented. I laughed, low and enticing. I know I was. "How about I buy you a drink?" Now, I would like to point out that this whole conversation was in Korean. I happen to be existing in Korea at this particular time. "I won't say no, that's for sure. I'd like...oh, I don't know. Some sort of martini maybe? I don't quite care." I shrugged. He did order for me, but my eyes were already wandering. He was a pretty face, but not as interesting as I'd hoped. Bummer. As he was chatting me up, asking about my livelihood and what not, I noticed a very red head in the very dark club. It was hung low, probably defeated by some arduous work life or love life.
 One or the other.
 If it were both, suicide may have been a much more enticing option for them. They were not dressed for the club, and instead wore the standard blue jeans and the not so standard black jacket accented with yellow-orange circles on the shoulders. I could see a pair of glasses next to them, striped yellow and black. Now, this is the best description I could give because there were flashing lights of many colors throwing their hue in every direction. My drink came to me, and I watched them, while simultaneously keeping this other fellow engaged. He was going on about how grand his family was, and how many cars he owned. Materialistic things.
And that's when I saw it.

A woman-admittedly pretty and tall-walked to the red-haired person, and slipped something in their drink. She then leaned over, and begun to innocently start a conversation. "Mister Young. It was a great pleasure meeting you. Here, take my business card. Call me at your leisure." I turned to the man and curtly ended his long chat. I went with my drink, however, because I really quite enjoyed it. The person with the red hair, was bringing up theirndrink, ready to have another sip, but I wouldn't let him.

Who was this woman? What was she saying? Something about going back to her place? Having fun? Luciel watched the woman. She was pretty, her brown hair falling in waves to her chest. She had clear skin, and daring red lips. She had on makeup. Pretty enough makeup. Overall, she was beautiful. But she wasn't MC. She never would be MC. He raised his drink, intending to take a huge gulp of it, when something snatched it out of his hand. A little spilled on his jacket. He saw the woman look at something behind him, her face folding angrily. He turned to look as well, and gasped in mild horror.

A woman, tall and foreboding, had his now-dripping drink in her grip. Her face looked like stone, and her eyes seemed to glow with an ominous light. Luciel felt himself suddenly begin to sober up, a cold wave of fear washing down his spine. "Hello there." She greeted politely, putting the drink down on the counter very slowly. He couldn't tear his eyes away from her. Whoever she was, she had stunning golden-brown skin, much like the honey on the package of the Honey Buddha chips he enjoyed so much. Her eyes were a hazel color, but glowed a strange gold now. She had on lots of makeup too, her lips a dangerous blood red color, and eyeliner so sharp it could, and would cut. Her eyebrows were expertly crafted, looking more like works of art rather than hair above her eyes. Her hair fell in loose curls down to her chin. The tips were a dull golden color, and the rest of it a rich brown and red color. "I couldn't help but notice the thing you slipped in the young gentleman's drink. Quite a mean thing to do, don't you think?"
The thing she slipped into his drink? He looked at the drink, then at the culprit. Her face had contorted to an angry mask. She resembled a shape-shifting demon.
"What? Who the hell are you?" she spat back, clearly annoyed that her plan had been foiled. "Well, I really don't want my name to cross the lips of one such as yourself, so I will withhold it. Please get up, young man." The honey woman turned to him, and her face melted into the softest, kindest smile he had ever seen. His heart did a little jump, as she gently pulled him to his feet. "Can you walk?" Luciel found himself nodding. "Very good. Come. The air outside should sober you up very quickly." She begun to walk now, supporting his weight very easily. 

"Wait there, you bitch." He heard as they begun to pass her. The woman didn't stop. "I said STOP!" and Luciel saw her grab the woman's arm, ready to cause drama. The woman turned to her. "Let me tell you a thing. I am being very patient with you, young lady. I am also trying to saving your dignity. You've already caused enough drama to draw in a small crowd. Now, I suggest you let my arm go right this minute, before my limited goodwill runs out." It was the coldest voice he had ever heard. The other woman twitched, feeling the raw chill in her words. She would murder her, should she have chosen to start anything. That's what Luciel felt in her voice. The woman let her go, nearly throwing her hand away. "Much gratitude." She simply said after setting her own glass down on the counter. The honey woman led him out of the club, into the much colder, much lonelier street.

Hi. Published Chapter 1. I won't be talking so much hopefully in these author's notes because I am a lazy author. 
Anyway, have fun, and merry Christmas Eve!

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