Chapter 11

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She would be stuck at work again.
By the look of things, these kids wouldn't be able to pull their weight this time either. Kiira sat at her desk, swamped with papers upon papers. She had to pull out some old studies to check on some proposals by the students putting forth some 'new' theory of work. Studies that were only available physically. Her screens were on, lots of complicated math and physics on them. She didn't even hear the student with the slick-backed hair step into her office. He watched her work, looking up many things as she cursed at the student for thinking that such nonsense was possible. He watched her for a while longer, before he said, "Engineer Eleazar. I have brought the group report." This startled her a little, and he saw her do a tiny jump before rolling her eyes and turning their ever-tired golden stare at him.

"Engineer Moon. Good. Place it right there, on that pile. Oh, forget it. Just bring it here. I have some more work for you guys to do either way and I know you won't be able to do it if I don't read your report." He walked to her, handing her the folder with both hands. All around her was this sweet scent. Like some sort of spring fruit. He didn't show it on his face, but it was a little shocking. It had been shocking for a while. Women around him almost always wore brand perfumes that smelled very strong. While they did smell good, they felt unnatural. They smelled like plastic. Most of the time, the women who smelled that way were plastic, too. Right down to their smiles. He watched her as she looked at the report, flipping pages after a few seconds. From this angle, he could see the top of her head. He could see how her hair came out of her scalp. Oh, her roots were black? It was a new discovery. One that he couldn't help but say out loud.


Kiira stopped her reading, then looked up at the kid before her. He had on a stone face, looking rather emotionless. His eyes were sleek and piercing. His nose was long, and his lips firm and thin. His darker-than-black hair was pulled back, giving him a very professional feel. Engineer Moon. Moon Seung-Jae. He was the 'golden rookie' of this crop of students. While he was new, he was very competent, and was not a headache. Although she had felt something very strange from him since the day he introduced himself to her team. He was like an adult who matured too soon. A fruit that ripened too early and would most likely rot on the branch. Why she got that strange feel from him, she didn't know why.

"Pardon?" she asked, now sitting back in her chair. He didn't even shift nervously. "I thought your hair was that mahogany-red color naturally, but I saw your black roots, so I guess your hair is naturally black, is what I was wondering."

Kiira stared at this duckling, watching him as he stood, unfazed by her piercing eyes. How could he keep on such a straight face when he was spewing such pointless nonsense? "And what business is it of yours about my hair?"

"None whatsoever."

"Exactly. But you asked anyway. Why is that?"

"I thought it was really very interesting."

Kiira rolled her eyes. "The only dye I have on my hair is the blonde. My roots are black but my hair grows brown."

It was the first time she saw any reaction from him. His eyes went wide a little, sparkling ever slightly. She could see his tightly set lips move a tiny bit, like he had something to say. Maybe she shouldn't have indulged him. "I see."

"Ok, now leave. You guys are dragging me into the dirt with your crappy proposals."

Luciel had logged on to the group chat twice now. Both times, he had been disappointed, finding no one online. Not even MC. He sighed, about to log off, when the words, "MC has logged in" flash across the screen. Before he could stop himself, he found himself typing.

707: MC!!! Welcome!

There was a small break of inactivity before a message popped up.

MC: Hello, 707. How has your day been?

Luciel was a little distraught. He didn't know what to reply with now. He bit his bottom lip before typing again.

707: It was good! How about yours? Have you eaten??

MC: I haven't yet. My day was so so.

707: Oh no! You should eat soon. Don't neglect your health. It's the most important thing we have.

MC: Haha, I'll make sure to eat soon.

Then he felt awkward. It felt like he had nothing else to say, but he wanted to say everything at the same time. So he was panicking loudly for a while, before seeing the empty packets of Honey Buddha chips on his desk.

707: Can you guess what I had for lunch?

MC: Hmmmm..... did you have Honey Buddha chips?

707: *shocked 707 sticker* How did you know??? Are you spying on me??

He felt so artificial, even though this was the best he could do. Their conversation was so shallow. Mere small talk, especially after she had already glimpsed at his true self. The sad, serious true self. His heart hurt so bad as he tried to remain as happy and bright in the chat as he hoped he would be in real life. It hurt so bad as he tried to chat with MC like he hadn't pushed her away that time. Like he hadn't completely denied her kindness or love. His hands were shaking as he used another heart-eyes 707 sticker. As he praised her again for guessing something right about him. He knew she was capable of accepting and loving the mess that he actually was, but he couldn't find it in himself to let her into his world. He really did like her. He honestly wanted to jump into his car right now and beeline it for Rika's apartment and apologize for his stupidity. But instead, he sat here, having a conversation about Elizabeth the Third's tail. Soon, he couldn't take it anymore, and faked having an important call. He logged off, and was finally alone to realize just how alone and empty he had chosen to be.

Lord, this book is literally going off the rails. I don't even know what I really want from it anymore.

It was Hijikata's birthday yesterday, so have my oc Nui (Nuipvera) celebrating it with him

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It was Hijikata's birthday yesterday, so have my oc Nui (Nuipvera) celebrating it with him. He is from Gintama. Go watch it asap pls.

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