Chapter 4

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The beeping wouldn't stop. It was going on and on and on, and even though Luciel was trying his hardest to ignore it, it just wouldn't stop. "Aish!" he screamed, searching for it under his pillow, on his nightstand, around him. When he didn't find it, he got up to look on the floor. His jacket, probably. No, not there.Where was his jacket? His pants then. Yeah, it was there. He pulled the thing out and saw that V was calling. He didn't answer it in time, and the call ended. He then saw the amount of missed calls he had. A whole sixty-three of them, most from V and Vanderwood. His skin prickled. Had something happened? Before he could wonder any longer, the phone rang again. It was V.
"Luciel!! Are you ok?! I couldn't reach you!"
"Yeah...I'm sorry." Luciel grimaced, feeling a little guilty.
"I was worried sick. You never fail to answer your phone. What were you doing yesterday?"
"Yesterday...?" he thought. His head was very muddled, and he could feel a pounding headache in the back of his head. "What did I do last night...?" he wondered out loud.
"You don't know what you did last night...?" V sounded serious and worried. Luciel looked around, searching for some sort of clue. He put his hand in his hair, frustrated. "I don't—"
Then he saw the scratches on his arms. With a yelp, he nearly dropped his phone. "What?! What Is it??" He wasn't paying any attention to V. He was looking, with horror, at his hands, legs. He could feel the scratches on his back too. "What?! WHAT?!!" He shot up, running to the bathroom with his phone. At the mirror, he brought out the front camera on his phone and turned his back to the mirror. "Oh my God...." He gasped, disbelieving. "What is it Luciel!? Are you all right? Tell me!!"
He had forgotten that V was still on. "Yeah! Yes! I'm fine, I'm fine!" he was not fine, not by a long shot. Then and there, he realized that he was butt naked.

Work. The worst part of the day. She sat in her desk, typing all sorts of formulas and running them on all sorts of program. Today, she was working with the Propulsion team, and boy did they have a lot of kinks in their plans. It irritated her that she was forced to cover other's incompetence, but this was the real world. Everyone was incompetent, and you had to cover them. All. The. Time. Sighing, she looked over the physical plans. "Engineer Song. What kind of bolts are you using? These won't hold up. You'll bring the whole satellite down because of supermarket-brand bolts." She scolded a scared-looking bespectacled man. "B-but the director— "
"No. no nonsense about him. We are not going to use the bolts. And the planning, it's all wrong. The details are all wrong."
"I-I'm very sorry."
"You should. I know damn well you won't take responsibility if the satellite crashes. How are the Programming team doing?"
"Th-They said they sent their codes to you for verification."
"And the Trajectory Team?"
"They finished with their calculations already."
"Splendid. Let's go see how many holes I can find in them." she pushed her chair back angrily, then strode out into the bustling space.

"Engineer Eleazar, you've worked hard." A man walked in, his arms full of documents. "I am well aware." She grumbled as she scribbled calculations into her notebook. "Aren't you going to head in for today?"
"Honestly, Engineer Kim, this is utter bullshit. I don't understand why these kids can't calculate. Only Engineer Moon is doing a good job. The rest are faulty as hell. And the worst part is that I have to cover for these ridiculous kids. What the hell?!" she screamed, angry that she wouldn't be able to party or enjoy herself for at least a week. "I'm sorry Engineer Eleazar. You're just too competent." He shrugged, a small half-smile on his face.
"Oh, I know. I'm too good to not overwork and kill." Engineer Kim laughed as he left to go to his own office. Engineer Kim, or Kim Dae-Hee, was the only engineer in the workplace that could talk and joke with Engineer Eleazar. Or Kiira Eleazar. Kiira was known to be sharp-tongued and dirty-mouthed, often equally rude to both seniors and juniors alike. Although she wasn't known for seeking trouble, trouble always managed to find her, and she always fought it with zeal. The best-known incident was when she was assigned to work overtime on a project, but denied all attempts and threats to get her to do it. Why? Because she was scheduled to fly to a party in Ibiza, Spain. Everyone knew that she was a party-monster, constantly jetting off to all sorts of places to experience new things. Although people spoke negatively about her, they felt an inkling of jealousy. The ability to live, yet still maintain a high-paying job was not one that could be easily found. 

Today, Kiira was wearing a tight, plum velvet turtleneck sweater that only reached half way on her belly, and a high-waisted, grey skirt. She did have black tights on, and suede plum boots, but it was too free-spirited and slightly provocative. Especially in the workplace, where other women wore discreet, free-flowing blouses and longer skirts. She, however, did not particularly care, and was always dancing at the edge of the dress code. She was dressed this way today because she was going to stop by the club for a little stress relief, but tonight wouldn't be possible. She had to cover twelve college-fresh engineers because they were too green to work unsupervised. And apparently too dumb too.
Kiira passed a well-manicured hand through her burgundy hair. She ran it all through to the golden tips, moving her hazel eyes to the pile of work she had to do. Her honey-like skin shone despite the fatigue she was feeling. "No clubbing tonight."

I don't know why I didn't update. I was pretty lazy, but I've done it! Have fun and enjoy!

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