Chapter 7

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"I can't believe you own a Lamborghini Aventador." Kiira breathed jealously as Luciel unlocked the red and yellow car. "Yes. She's one of my babies." He explained, proudly showing off his other foreign, very expensive cars.
"Whatever. Guys who have lots of cars are compensating for something, no doubt." She dropped her eyes to his crotch, and Luciel turned away with a scandalized scream. "That's not true!"
"Haha yes it is." She plopped into the black leather seat and waited for him to recover his pride.

They drove down a street, and Luciel was admittedly disappointed that Kiira hadn't admired his baby more. She was, instead, searching for a quiet, dark street she could get off on. They had stopped by Moon's Landing to pick up her bag and shoes.Many explanations were demanded, but it ended well enough. Now, they rode in an uncomfortable silence. " engineer?" he tried to say.
"Yes. An aerospace engineer." She replied.
"Wait. Doesn't that mean you work with...spaceships?" his interest was suddenly peaked.
"Yes. But as of now, until Korea decides to launch a man into the cold, dead reaches of space, I'm working with satellites and newborn engineers."
"C-can you build a spaceship?? Or a space station??"
"Yeah. With a little bit of money anything is possible." She was peering off into the dark, her eyes narrowed with concentration.
"Yes. But you'll have to get me a skilled team of other aerospace engineers, lots of equipment, a working area, a Launchpad and permission from the government to launch a space craft. It's a lot more work than it's worth."
"Ah...but if I got all those things— "
"Then you'd have to deal with me making fun of your little soldier for more than a few years." She replied in a purposefully innocent childish voice, her smile just as pure.
"THAT'S NOT FAIR!" Luciel screeched, his face flushing. Kiira laughed in response.
"Oh, here. Drop me off here." she stopped her laugh and waved her well manicured hand at him.

Kiira got off on a dark street, but before Luciel could drive away, she leaned into the window of his car, tapping the glass with her long nail. Confused, Luciel pulled down the window. "I need you to be ready for me tomorrow at four. I'll be coming over."
Luciel stared at her blankly, his golden eyes looking into her hazel ones. He stared for a long time, before snapping back to reality. "WHAT?!" She didn't bother to clarify or repeat, and instead walked into the narrow street, her hips swaying nonchalantly.

When Kiira got home, unlocked the door and threw off her shoes, it was almost one in the morning. She would have to get up at eight tomorrow for work. Never had she had so much time to sleep. She was always partying till four in the morning, then battling with hangover all through work. Yawning, Kiira shrugged off her coat. She was greeted with a small meow, as a huge cat stepped into view. "Macha. You're awake?" she yawned, stretching. Getting on her haunches, Kiira pet her cat, scratching him under the chin. Macha was a Norwegian Forest cat. Everything from Norway was huge, and their cats weren't an exception. He was a smoky color, his paws and nose black. He had both a golden-yellow eye and a coral blue eye. He mewed adorably, probably asking for food. "Yep yep, baby boy. I'll get you something tasty to eat."
After feeding her cat, Kiira popped into the shower for a quick wash, then into her bed in nothing but her huge grey tee. "I didn't even party, but I feel exhausted. The fatigue of being chased by a gun-tottering maniac must have gotten to me. urgh." With a nervous shiver, she shook off the memories of earlier. Kiira turned to her side, saying goodnight to the already sleeping Macha.

"Luciel." Vanderwood was standing over him asLuciel played on his phone. "Ah, Agent Vanderwood. Hello!" He was back to hisusual annoying self. For the past week and a half, he had been very grim andjumpy, and he had actually worked on many jobs. But that period of unnatural productionwas over. "What are you hiding from me?" Vanderwood simply asked, his facestoic and stony. Luciel thought for a while, then said, "Nothing as of now."
Vanderwood inhaled sharply, then brought something from behind him. "Thenplease explain this to me." in his leather-gloved hand, were red laced panties.Luciel stared at them, the stupid smile still plastered on his face. It remained there for a while, before itshattered into a million pieces. "Oh my God!! I can explain."
"I don't think you can."
"I-it was for cross dressing purposes, I swear. I was...I was trying on theunderwear. I just wanted to feel how women feel, HAHAHAHA!" He begun to laughlike a fool as he pushed his chair back, ready to snatch the delicate thing.
"This is not yours. I can tell."
"No, no. You're-you're sorely mistaken! That's definitely mine, I promise."
"If it were yours you'd never admit it. So I know that it belongs to someoneelse. The only question is who that someone else is." Vanderwood quickly hid itbehind himself because he saw the crouch that Luciel was beginning to take.Just then, they both heard the voice of the door, and a muffled reply. The doorpopped open, and in strolled Kiira.

She was dressed head to toe in expensive things. A fur-trimmed black coat, anexpensive-looking turtleneck with a glowing gold and diamond necklace on her neck.Suede gloves topped with expensive rings. A fashionable ivory white skirt witha long side-split. Black tights and wedge boots. All topped off with a pompouspair of sunglasses. Her hair was a thick, waving mass, some strands fallinginto her face.. Her lips were a daring,startling red. "Ah. You have a guest?" she exclaimed.
Luciel's jaw was on the floor as he watched the worst possible person walk intohis house, strutting her stuff without shame and without a care. Vanderwood'sjaw dropped too, as he thoughtlessly held out the panties, the realizationhitting him like a bold of lightning. "These...."
"Oh my. How embarrassing. Yes, those are mine. If you'd be so kind as to givethem back." She cat-walked to him and elegantly snatched them from him. "Oh,don't think too much about it dear. He didn't cheat on you or anything. Thosegot there by accident. They just...appeared there, please don't mind it. By theway, you've got lovely hair. Perhaps a different style will bring out your bestfeatures?"
Vanderwood was royally confused by all this. what was going on? Hers? Cheating?Accident?
"We aren't a thing." He blandly corrected, her assumption knocking out all the confusion from his face and replacing it with a displeased frown. "Oh? Why? You look good together. The perfect couple."
"I don't do guys."
" you're a lesbian?"
"I'm a guy." He ground out, rather offended that she would dare think he woulddate that red-haired mess of a human being that drowned in Honey Buddha Chips and PhD. Pepper. 
"...Ah. Well, it's still possible. Now, Luciel. Come along now. We have a busyday ahead of us."
Luciel, still not recovered from the shock of Kiira strolling into his life andruining it, just blinked. "Busy day? What?"
"I'm going to have you buy me something for my troubles." She simply explained.
"Wait a goddamn minute. Who are you?" Vanderwood asked, his voice ratherhostile.
"How rude of me. I failed to introduce myself. I am Kiira Eleazar. A pleasureto meet you." She stuck out a gloved hand. Vanderwood took it cautiously, moreout of habit than will.
"And you are?" she asked in a very smooth, enticing voice. Vanderwood foundhimself pulling back slowly. "Vanderwood, don't fall for it!" ...Idiot.
"Ah, so Vanderwood? Again, a pleasure to meet you." She gave a small smile.

My ability to write a good and cohesive piece of literature is leaking out of my ear and dripping into the Void. 
Hello there! I'm sorry for the sinful inactivity on here. College is currently murdering me and parading mt body through the city streets. But it's fine, that's fine too :)
I will work hard to try and update more frequently, so please enjoy this chapter for now. Much love from Kirr!!! <3

I stopped developing these OCs but they were pretty fun to so

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I stopped developing these OCs but they were pretty fun to so. Allow me to make up for my inactivity with these bishies. ;)

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